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Wiki file uploading temporarily disabled

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I'm currently conducting some maintenance and testing operations on the image file structure in the wiki. If the tests are conclusive, we might gain some performance boost when browsing the site. It should take a few hours (or potentially a few days since we have quite a large library of images in the wiki! :o). I'll let you know as soon as it's all done and it's possible to upload files again.

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

Note that you can still edit the wiki and do everything else just as normal. Thanks.

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The maintenance and testing phase is now over. I was trying to relocate the wiki's images to another storage system (i.e. the cloud, as in "cloud computing/storage") for faster access and to alleviate the burden of traffic requests on the server, but it didn't pan out as I wished it would. The technology is there but the software isn't advanced enough yet to fully encompass it without any glitches (maybe in a couple years). So, in the meantime, in order to gain some performance boost and better stability, the major option remains moving everything to a dedicated server which unfortunately would cost quite a bit per month.

I believe the site is still doing good so far but I'm planning for the future because DCW keeps growing (I still can't believe how big it's become in the last year only o.O) and we may need to account for the increasing traffic and demand at some point.

Anyway, the wiki is back to normal (since this week-end) and you can upload images once again!

Thank you for your patience and cooperation! :)

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