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This is an interview (technically I guess it's just words from Gosho) taken from page 169 of Detective Conan vs. Kaitou Kid Perfect Edition, if you'd be so kind as to translate it for us. :)

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If there's something that doesn't quite make sense lemme know and I'll double-check the kanji in my book. :)

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I had a debate with someone about the Kaito Kid knowing Conan's identity canonically at one point. It was complicated by a disagreement on the definition of canon. It's clear Kaitou Kid knows in the movies and Gosho wrote or endorsed that script, but it isn't clear if this knowledge caries over to the manga like how most of the other movie stuff has no relation to the manga. Kazu quoted some interview from an early guidebook, but without context I'm not sure what to believe.

Besides, the way Kaitou treats Conan in the manga is noticeably different than how he treats Conan in the movies. In the movies he teases Conan about being Shinichi quite often, in the manga, no.

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  On 4/30/2012 at 3:30 AM, Chekhov MacGuffin said:

I had a debate with someone about the Kaito Kid knowing Conan's identity canonically at one point. It was complicated by a disagreement on the definition of canon. It's clear Kaitou Kid knows in the movies and Gosho wrote or endorsed that script, but it isn't clear if this knowledge caries over to the manga like how most of the other movie stuff has no relation to the manga. Kazu quoted some interview from an early guidebook, but without context I'm not sure what to believe.

Besides, the way Kaitou treats Conan in the manga is noticeably different than how he treats Conan in the movies. In the movies he teases Conan about being Shinichi quite often, in the manga, no.

Wish I could help you out there. I own the guidebook in question and it does look like page 160 does have information from Aoyama regarding "The Last Wizard of the Century", but unlike the previous interview (words, whatever) I posted above, the interview contains no furigana and therefore I cannot read it. :/ (My kanji reading ability is horrible.)

In my personal opinion, it seems to be fact that Aoyama contributes story ideas to the movies even now, as the movie 16 interview proves but until Aoyama actually puts information into the manga itself, it should be deemed non-canon. At this stage in the manga, the only thing known for certain is that Kid knows Conan is unusual and not to be taken lightly.

As for the Super Digest +10 book, I currently do not own it and cannot confirm Kazu's quote.

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“A. Only Detective Takagi isn't based off of a real-life person;”

am I the only one who found that curious? O_o

and thanks again for a great translation :)

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I found something interesting. Someone went to his school library and he found the newspaper, and every doubt of the interview is cleared. Now I guess that the source for the 2006 Asahi evening newspaper interview article can be confirmed :)














Edited by Cindy Xin
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In case anyone is wondering, ^this^ is one of the boss relevant interviews.


*text changed to match picture*

I am pretty sure the last two of the three sentences say something like: "As a matter of fact, the boss's name has already appeared somewhere in the original work. Please search for it for me."

According to the last paragraph which talks about Aoyama's then recent marriage to Takayama Minami, Conan's voice actor, apparently Gosho has trouble relaxing from work because he keeps hearing Conan in the house.

*Note: they divorced later*

SUPER late edit later: The last file before this boss's name has appeared interview was 551 (Nail and Snake) and was in Shounen Sunday issue #5-6 2006 (a double issue with a week break afterwards) which was published January 4, 2006.

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  On 4/29/2012 at 3:31 PM, justwantanaccount said:

Hmm, the content does check out, according to this blog that talked about this interview. I guess that a Mainland Chinese person who's somewhat familiar with Japanese but not quite had typed this, or something like that. I'll do my best to translate, then. BRB . . .

EDIT: Found the source on Baidu. Funnily enough, Baidu says that this interview was on OtonaFami June issue, but the Japanese fan blog (which so far has given me quality information) I mentioned above says that this was on monthly B.L.T. magazine. I'm not sure exactly what's going on, but I'll translate anyway . . .

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EDIT: I'm done!

Thank you very much you are really wonderful :)

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This apparently is Gosho's new interview that I've found in the DCTP Spoiler Cbox: http://sankei.jp.msn...07000000-n1.htm

As you can see there are 4 pages in total. Unfortunately, not much is translated into English, and I'm not even sure if it's real or not. According to the translators in the Cbox:

The Boss' full name has been mentioned. I'm still not sure whether it's safe to conclude that The Boss him/herself has appeared in person or not. (Well, that doesn't help much...)

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  On 8/17/2012 at 4:35 AM, Chekhov MacGuffin said:

One from the German forum. It's old and may have been done before by someone else.


Not sure, if the whole interview has already been translated to English somewhere before.

Anyway, here we go:

English Translation:

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Sankei newspaper 2012.6.30 interview: http://sankei.jp.msn.com/life/news/120630/bdy12063007000000-n1.htm

It was mentioned in a post by Black Demon earlier. The interview kind of got ignored in the middle of the Bourbon stuff, and there were some fakes that added details floating around that got confused with the original. The Sankei interview linked above appears to be legitimate.

Only a little was about the actual story; most was about Gosho's past and development as an author. The story-relevant bits were these two lines: the first is about if DC will hit 100 Volumes, the second is about the boss.

Q: 今年1月3日の「青山剛昌ふるさと館」などが主催したイベントで「コナンは100巻まで続かない」と発言されたとか?

A: 「続くかもしれないし、続かないかも…。でも、結末は決めていますよ」

Q: コナンに登場する犯罪組織の黒幕は、男ですか、女ですか

A: 「それは言えない。でも、今までにフルネームで登場している人です」

From what I can tell, the only new information is Gosho's response specified the boss's full name (フルネーム) rather than just "name". There was a translation by Mina in the DC spoiler DCbox "a person who has appeared with his/her full name" HOWEVER I think a corroboration by another skilled translator is necessary before it is safe to reject the more conservative reading "the boss's full name has appeared" - something which Gosho has said before. (subject フルネーム?)

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I think that translator is right, the boss has appeared him/herself on screen with his/her full name

btw the question was “is the boss of the crime organization a man or a woman?” to that, Aoyama replied “I can’t say”

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Apparently an informal interview was given by Gosho on Jan 3rd, 2013 to fans. There is no transcript I know about (hopefully something more detailed will pop up to confirm) but reports of what was talked about made it onto Baidu. Usually interviews from there are somewhat suspect, but this info seems to be well regarded because it isn't absurdly revealing, the poster included pictures of the informal meet, and a similar informal interview (linked) was given last year around this time. The Japanese person who was at the previous year’s interview also had commentary on this one. The Chinese and Japanese accounts do not contradict each other, so it is extremely likely the info is accurate.


今天柯南作者见面会问答 组织消息

Posted by 我爱贝尔摩得

Y大蟹酥Y微博消息 大叔说还会有新的组织成员登场

否认boss是阿笠博士 灰原和琴酒确实有关系,但具体是什么关系敬请期待 怪盗基德不会再和组织有交集 明年20周年可能会画组织相关内容 大boss没有酒名代号,但成员的代号都是大boss起的

Translation by Conan4869 with edits: Gosho said there [could be] a new member of the Black Organization [appearing], denied Agasa is BO boss. There is a relationship between Sherry and Gin, wait to see what relationship between them. Kaito Kid won't be involved in the BO story anymore. Next year 20th anniversary (Year 2014) he may create a story about BO. BO boss had no codename related to alcohol, but members' codenames are named by BO boss.


  • Likely no big BO confrontation cases will happen in 2013, although the plot with Amuro, Sera, and Akai should go on. Chapter 900 will fall in approx February-March 2014 at the current rate, which suggests Gosho will hold off until 2014 - the 20th anniversary of DC. (For anime watchers, BO cases or cameos often occur on manga file numbers that are multiples of 100)
  • Gosho may be thinking about introducing another new BO member, but he is probably going to clean up some of the current plot first. It will probably be a while before there are any new BO. To put it in perspective, the Nagano case Gosho talked about last year in January still hasn't happened yet. It would make the most sense to introduce a new member in File 900 in 2014 to coincide with the 20th anniversary.
  • We already knew Agasa wasn't the boss and the boss gave out alcohol codenames.
  • No more Kaitou Kid messing up the BO plot!!! <- BEST NEWS
  • I doubt Gosho will clear up Sherry and Gin's relationship. Whenever the issue came up in earlier interviews, he gave pretty much the same answer. The only new development about that mystery since the early Vermouth arc is Gin thinking of Shiho naked again in the train case. Fans have been asking Gosho about the two of them since the Vermouth arc without success, so it must be sensitive and/or something Gosho is saving for later.

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... That is quite interesting news.

I'm actually more than a little OK with Gosho Aoyama nixing the idea of Kaitou Kid being involved with any Black Organization cases and plots. I feel like no matter how much Kaitou Kid fangirls want it, it would be written and executed poorly. It's just not a smart idea if you don't want backlash from people that pay enough attention to the series to ask certain kinds of questions and find certain kinds of plot holes. Just wouldn't work at all.

Not surprising that we won't be seeing anything Black Organization-related until 2014, but how unfortunate. And the series snails its way to the neverending finish line.

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So far I have not found any recording or whatever in Japanese, but the Chinese fan who attended the meeting on 2013.1.3 and originally reported the news above have translated many of Gosho's answers in one of his/her Weibo (微博) blog entries. He/she saved everything written as a very long image file rather than typing it out (possibly because there's a character limit). And since this is based on this person's memory only, he/she said that not every detail can be correct. And of course it means that not every Q&A can be remembered here.

User/poster: Y大蟹酥Y

Original link to the Weibo blog: http://weibo.com/u/1986450982

UNFORTUNATELY, to be able to gain access to Weibo, you must have an account, which I don't think anyone here does. The image and my crappy English translation can be viewed in the spoiler boxes below (I cropped it into 7 parts).

DISCLAIMER: I don't own this image. Image source is on the bottom right corner of the last part. And just so you know, I don't even think I have the permission to post this thing, even though it seems to be meant for public view -__-"" ...

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“but he said that we can expect the "kiss" thing, there will be that part.”

awesome *_*

“Gosho gave out an ambiguous statement: The Boss has already been come up with/has already appeared; the name also has already been come up with/has already appeared. But which option is the correct understanding, everyone has their own opinion.”

from previous Japanese texts, I believe he actually means that Anokata appeared on screen as a whole person, but it really is not certain… just what I think

thank you for that BD :)

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Interesting new Infos, thanks.

@Anokata: Imo. Gosho will keep this for the series finale as a big surprise.

@Kiss: This "might" happen during the next Shinichi/Ran confrontation. Could be in one of the next cases. The Mystery Train Arc, with it's "late" BO confrontation pushed the next Shinichi appearence a bit behind.

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