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Chekhov MacGuffin

Articles copied from the DC wikia need overhaul

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The administrator of the DC wikia alerted us to the fact that our articles on Gosho Aoyama and the Gosho Aoyama Manga Factory contain sections copied verbatim from their wikia. While this is technically allowed because of the way wiki licenses work, it's annoying on principle because it makes us look bad and unoriginal. I would really appreciate anyone with time taking a look at those articles and helping us rewrite them to to make them pure Detective Conan World work. Thanks and any help is appreciated.

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So let me get this straight. Basically, it needs to be done like:


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If there is any thing incorrect about this, do inform.

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Not helping much but the sources for Gosho's blood type can be found here and here.
About his height (174cm), I've found some pages saying that Kaito's and Shinichi's heights are the same as the author's (Shinichi's height is known to be 174 in Conan Drill); such as Shinichi/Conan's Wikipedia page, Kid's Wikipedia page... etc. but there is no original source that I can find to verify those information.
I haven't found any source for the other trivia yet.
By the way I think we should also verify or add citations for information like "In his youth, Aoyama and his friends were more like the Detective Boys back then and describes himself as the Mitsuhiko type of his group." and "Aoyama had to read manga secretly because his parents were strict..."

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