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Detective Conan World

Site Won't Let My Friend Sign Up for an Account

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I got a friend into DC recently (the more, the merrier, right?) and I showed her this website and she wanted to join, but when she clicked "Create Account" she got this little message: https://gyazo.com/a310536291790e4461bdf0e8de623055

I'm not sure what's going on. She's never been a part of this forum before. And I've never heard of this happening? Does anyone know what's going on?

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Did she get this message after filling out the registration form completely, then clicking on "I agree to the Terms of Use" and then on the "Create My Account" button at the bottom of the page? If not, was she even able to get to the registration form?
Did she see the security check on the registration form?

The new upgrade now takes into account blacklisted emails and/or IP addresses shared between different forum platforms to prevent known spammers to register. Maybe her email address was flagged? She could try to use a different one. It could also be her IP address. This can happen if she has a dynamic IP address and she got assigned an IP address that was used by a spammer that was flagged not so long ago. She could try to reboot her router to get a new IP address.

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