
From Detective Conan Wiki
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Gender: [REDACTED]
Pronouns: they/them
Height: 178cm
Date of birth: March 1st
Aliases: Jade
Status: Chronically online

While my username is Saguruapologist, I prefer to go by my aliases - Jade, Nefritvel, or Cloudy. I am based in the United States. I've been involved in the fandom since 2015. I have a preference for Magic Kaito over Detective Conan, but there are also many aspects of the Detective Conan plot that I'm deeply invested in. I like participating through writing fanfic, creating image edits/graphics, and writing meta and speculations on the plot and characters of Magic Kaito and Detective Conan.

Fandom Background

I first became aware of DCMK via my then-classmate and now-partner when the two of us were in high school, but I never got truly invested while they were involved in the fandom. Years later in 2015, while doing some research, my partner came across the Phantom Lady and Corbeau arc updates and was clearly becoming deeply invested, so I asked them to get me up to speed and bring me along for the ride. As an avid roleplayer with a penchant for attaching myself to underdeveloped characters so that I may extrapolate upon them myself, I was handed Hakuba Saguru and I've had brainworms about him ever since (and by extension, the entire Magic Kaito universe as well as the few appearance Saguru has had in canon).

From Magic Kaito, I plunged into Detective Conan. To be truthful, I've never watched all the episodes or read all the chapters, but have hopped around to explore my favorite plot points and am more or less caught up on most happenings in canon.

My favorite aspects of Detective Conan are the Black Organization plot. I'm deeply invested in the impacts the Organization has on the world of DCMK and regularly plunge into attempts to further develop it and understand it. I also have a penchant for developing Black Organization-centric AUs.

These days I am a not-so-prolific fanfiction author, a fandom-themed playlist creator, and dedicated to deeply analyzing what I can of canon to extrapolate things out. I'm someone who may recognize that many of Gosho's storytelling choices "aren't that deep" but choose to say, "But what if it WAS that deep?" Additionally, when it comes to my analyses and the way I consume the content, I tend to treat the original manga as the primary canon source, and treat anime adaptation as secondary.

Finally, despite the fact that it is an absolutely hopeless case, I am trying to timeline out both Detective Conan and Magic Kaito to get an idea of what the actual span of time the series take up actually could realistically be.

More About Me

When it comes to my fanworks, here are places you can find the work I've done:

  • On Archive of Our Own, my username is Cloudy. All but one of the fanfictions I've posted on this account relate to DCMK in some manner.
  • On Tumblr, you can find a few different types of fanworks. My graphics tag is Angelis Edit and my writing tag is My Writing
Masumi Sera Hair.png This user has wavy hair.
Sera773.png This user has brown hair.
Nonbinary.png This user is nonbinary.
Microphone 60px.jpg This user wears glasses.

Saguru Hakuba.jpg This user's Favourite Character is Saguru Hakuba.
Shiho Miyano.jpg This user's Favourite Character is Shiho Miyano.
Hidemi Hondou.jpg This user's Favourite Character is Hidemi Hondou.

MKVolume 1.jpg This user reads the Magic Kaito Manga.
Op1front.jpg This user Watches the Detective Conan Anime.
Volume 1.jpg This user reads the Detective Conan Manga.
Movie 26.jpg This user's Favourite Movie is Black Iron Submarine.

Haibara Conan episode 176.jpg This user's Favorite couple is Conan and Ai.
MK9 166.png This user's Favorite couple is Saguru and Kaito.