Here at DCW, we value contributions from the community. If you happen to know some breaking news about Detective Conan or would simply like to raise an interesting discussion about some subject related to DC (for example: "What I think of the newly released Movie 13", ...), then simply post here and if the post is approved, it will be moved to "News & Updates" and will thus be featured on the homepage under "Latest News".
Please note the following rules when posting news items:
- English only! And please, do apply proper writing styles do your post. Do not write like this: "mann, de la7e3t DC mooviee wazz suppar l337!"
- Make sure the title is not too general or broad or it might confuse first-time visitors and/or be misleading in general.
- You're free to "prettyfy" your post (e.g. colors, paragraphs, images, bolded words, underlines, etc...)
That's it for now but there might be more to this list later on.
Finally, I invite all of you who aspire to become reporters or journalists to give it a shot as this could be both fun and good practice.
Thank you for your contributions! They're always greatly appreciated!
Ah and remember to have fun doing this. ^^