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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/27/11 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    this took a while :] -two hours to make -and an hour to look at tutorials ..fail please give me constructive criticism :3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzWeM33o-PY
  2. 4 points
    Another random drawing i created It is of Ai and Ran, as teens, together x Still need to draw a picture for Hakuba's Bday :s Better get started... Ran and Ai CUTE
  3. 3 points
    Well, I decided I was too lazy to draw something (even though I already drew the outline of an original piece...) from scratch for Hakuba's B-day, so I decided to color something instead. It's from the High School Detective Koshien scene. I'm posting it early in case Irene knocks out my electricity (and therefore my internet) for the next few days. Hope you like it.
  4. 2 points
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZCKl_dKwbQ AMV I made while I couldn't sleep :]
  5. 1 point
    A new anime-exclusive (meaning this won't be from the manga) Kaitou Kid anime special has just been announced. Titled, "Kaitou Kid's Summer Festival" (or "Summer Party"), it will air later this Summer. Not a lot of details are available. For more information, check out this interesting read over at DCTP. http://bit.ly/qq5Eo9 UPDATE: 7/8/11 We can confirm that the Magic Kaito Summer Festival is an entire MONTH'S worth of Kaitou Kid-related things that will be airing in Japan, including an anime version of the 4th Magic Kaito chapter, as well as repeat airings of classic Kaitou Kid-related Detective Conan episodes. So to repeat, there will be a NEW Magic Kaito episode airing over the Summer. Chapter 4 of the Magic Kaito manga. There will also be other Kaitou Kid-related things that we will tell you once we learn about them.
  6. 1 point
    I was thinking that there should be a page where we can compare the differences of how characters looked when they first debuted to how they look now. Gosho has definitely changed drawing styles throughout the series. I'd say that takagi has changed more than any other character though. So I thought it would be interesting to showcase how much detective conan has changed over time. Does anyone else think that this would be a page you would wanna see???
  7. 1 point
    Yes, a witch as a main character in DC, that would be great. Hopefully we'll get a case where the murderer ends up being a goblin.
  8. 1 point
    What's so good about 'My little pony'? Isn't it a TV show for little girls or something?
  9. 1 point
    Hahaha! I know you don't. :grin: :grin:
  10. 1 point
    hmm. would it be awkward for you? it's like calling your mom. XD
  11. 1 point
    FINALLY!!! You are correct! 1 rep for you since this was the only riddle that required examination of words and detective skills But good job for everyone who answered some riddles right!
  12. 1 point
    That's quite true as well! Because we all know Shinichi and Ran needed that little push (otherwise we would be stuck with them blushing furiously and fiercely denying liking each other whenever they walked into their classroom... You know, the married couple jeering.) But if it weren't for Conan's shrinking, they wouldn't realizehow hard it is to live without the other. I often try and figure out who has it harder, Ran or Shinichi, and I figure they're about even. Every lie Shinichi tells Ran only drives another dagger into their hearts, for Ran, the dagger is tipped with the poison of sorrow and longing, for Shinichi, the venom of guilt and loneliness. Ran's just about the only person still waiting for Shinichi, waiting with all her heart. Sure classmates may wonder where the heck he went, but only Ran will fiercely try to find out not out of curiosity, but out of necessity. And he'd be stupid not to appreciate that. Stupid not to appreciate that when be does turn back, Ran has still saved his place for him, always has, and that he can slide just that easily back to where he belongs. I mean, come on, who else really misses Shinichi that badly? And ConAi/ShinShi fans, while I respect your standing, the only ConAi/ShinShi stories I've actually enjoyed are ones where Ran doesn't exist- and for some reason those also feel out of character. (for example, Shinichi is not a player) It just doesn't feel right, you know. Like if you take a magnifying glass you'll find some odd cracks and scratches where there ought to be none. For ConAi to work, Shinichi must fall out of love with Ran to truly love Ai, and that's simply not happening.
  13. 1 point
    WHAT THE... THIS LOOKS JUST LIKE THE ORIGINAL...!! +1 FOR YOU!! YOU... ARE... AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. 1 point
    I drew this from the description Aka gave me. (The clothes are a school uniform) Drawing
  15. 1 point
    Desperate Revival made me cry the most when Shinichi left Ran again. It was really heartbreaking.
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