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  1. 4 points
  2. 2 points
    Well, that was quick. I didn't draw a whole piece in about an hour, if someone thinks that. XD I started this before I started drawing Green (it's just that I really wanted to draw fire, so...) so I've spent a while on it. :3 I've been thinking, since I've started drawing so much stuff... How about I just start a topic solely for my art? Like, if I have something new, I'll post in it, and insert the new piece into the first post as well. I got the idea from the Nuzlocke forums, where people just make one thread and put all of their art in there. It would also keep me from clogging up the drawing forum with my stuff. ^^' Tell me what you think of my idea and my drawing!
  3. 2 points
    Happy Easter everyone. So there rae so many pairings and I decided to annoy both shinXran conXai kaitoXaoko cause The 14th movie inspired me to make a pairing that will never happen but if it does, it will be funny and epic with lots of steam coming off off of shinichi. XD I present to you Kid steals ran It's in black and white cuz i'm too lazy to color. XP 1) red; 2) blue; 3) light blue green; 4) purple; 5)Orange; 6) yellow; 7) brown; 8) pink; 9) white; 10) green
  4. 1 point
    As far as I can tell there isn't a topic yet for collections yet in the forum, so like I did at DCTP, here's a topic for people to share their collections. For those of you who were curious as to what the heck my collection actually looks like, be curious no more. Volumes 1-72 English 1-39 Special 1-36 Reference Books, Art Book, and Short Stories DVDs/Bluray Magic Kaito CDs Curse you Gosho for single-handedly waging war on my bookshelves. Will update sometime in the coming months once volume 73, the first two MK treasured editions, Kid cell phone strap, and the Karakore figures arrive.
  5. 1 point
    ART COMPETITION: DRAWING AND PAINTING COMPETITION - LANDSCAPES A sample of my watercolour painting Results The competition is now officially closed but open for discussion, and this is the moment we all dying to know who win the competition. I've close the poll and results turn in, and winner's name going to be revealed. May all voters go straight to winner's profile and give reputation, before you do that I will recap the results so far... a secret hiding place: 5 a drawing: 2 River dreams: 6 Greenery: 3 The calm mountains: 2 The artist of River dreams is.... I like everyone take this moment to congratulate the person in this thread, who create this outstanding artwork. The winner who create River dreams is: Kaze-rei. Congratulations to Kaze-rei who win Painting competition landscapes. Kaze-rei win 6 votes as winner of this competition. I also like to thank all participants who submit in artworks, you all done well and I wish you all best wishes to win in next contest, as you both are great! I trust all voters to head towards Kaze-rei's profile sending rep, and DCWians can count how many reps she received. Thank you to all public members voting the winner! I also like to thanks participants joining in competitions. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now the competition submission has closed, but if you wondering how they works, scroll down below for details. If you're interested to know about competition, they can be found below the pictures, and you can vote one of the best artworks. Bear in mind, please vote the top artwork! But if you find all are top artwork, pick the favorite if you find they were drawn/painted nice. Lastly, do not vote for your own artwork! These painting and voting are shown 'live' on public, you only can vote once! About the polls, they are listed chronological order, and title can be find below the artworks. a secret hiding place a drawing River dreams Greenery The calm mountains ~~~~~~~~~~~~ABOUT COMPETITIONS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okayy, if anyone entitled to host their competition, I can as well, I personally is degree holder of painting and drawing in landscapes. :mrgreen: The winner will earn each rep from voters personally if the painting/drawing is outstanding. What you will do is to submit the artwork by pm me the link of your artwork, as long as it's accessible. And the judges are everyone here to pick the best one. It's a fair competition, the voting poll is to vote the artwork and not the artist, and the competition is realistic because we are basing on strengths only. When the voting start, this post will be edited with voting poll, all paintings and drawings can be find in first post here for you to see and vote. No names revealed, all members are to judge blindly picking the one they think it's best. 20 participant's spaces are available, so submit in artwork before submission closes! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The theme is: landscape of river. It can be drawn in either one of perspective or view. When you saw river, what images come to your mind? Does river has mountain shown as background? Flowers beside the river? Fishes swimming around? Remember to have fun and be creative! I will edit this post to put the artworks, and members get to pick one of them, they will have title which has put in poll. The competition ends when I reveal the name of winner, and each voter can go to his or her profile giving rep. Lastly, I strongly urge everyone to please vote for the top artwork and not the artist who create it! ***To competition participants: There are rules here, as they are important to follow by to prevent disqualification. - All drawings or paintings entered in the competition MUST follow whatever the topic for one round is. - Do not vote for your own artwork! It's crucial, please don't try. - No plagiarism. Before the voting coming in, the competition will be canceled in a flash like lightning and you don't have time to say 'snitch'; so don't plagiarize. - Send me one link of your artwork only. If you have extra, you can share with friends in artwork forum. - Artworks are to be hand drawn and painted. - Resize the image smaller, the pixels must smaller than screen's, because a lot of people doesn't like to see huge image after clicking it during voting period. Failure to do will result disqualification. Size mustn't be too small as long as the size is reasonable for people to see clearly to fit in screen. - Send in the title of your artwork, to get the position in the official slot and I will update how many left. On the day when the voting day start, the drawing you submit has no title immediately drop off from voting poll. These are the rules participants must abide by. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you interested to join competition send me the title, which will display in voting poll, along with the link of your artwork. The voting will start on March 6. Submission deadline will close at 5th March or the participants' spaces are filled up automatically. I will notify when spaces are filled up. The voting will closed at March 25. I will notify the winner and revealed the name replying last poster here. I will headcount how many rep in the winner's profile, but I trust you both can give rep to the winner. It's a routine so I know who doesn't know the result of competition. Everybody can come here and chat about competitions.
  6. 1 point
    Look, I drew Green and his Charizard! (again. ^^') New coloring style, not quite crappy background, I think I like it. XD How about you? Also, help me name this drawing. Because right now it's simply 'Green' and I want something cooler, but I can't think of anything. Comment please!
  7. 1 point
    Happy Birthday Kid-kun! I decided to do something else! Ignore the 6/21, thats really Kaito's b-day. I think the vocals might me mismatched sometime, but please bear with it! :3 Ust (UTAU sound track): No idea Vocals: Teto Kasane Everything else: Me!
  8. 1 point
    [Complete] Updates: 11 May 2012: added perspective for LD50 11 May 2012: Added oral LD50 and LD100 data for mice and approximate LD50 for humans. Added note on comparison to amounts used in DC. *all information provided here is from Toxnet unless otherwise noted* Structure: Chemical Formula: KCN Appearance: White crystalline powder image from Wikipedia LOAEL (lowest observable adverse effect level): 1.2mg/kg LD50(Inhalation): ~150-300mg/kg (Time to death ranging from 30min to immediate) from HPA LD50 Inhalation Perspective: The average adult in the USA is 86kg (~190lbs). So it would take approximately 25,800mg (or 0.9oz) of KCN to kill an average USA Adult male. To further simplify, that is slightly less than 1.5 tablespoons (estimated, based on the the molecular weight of NaCl, which is slightly lighter, using this converter) LD50(oral human): 0.7-2.9 mg/kg (Of CN-) (from health canada) LD50 Perspective estimate (oral human): It would take about 0.25 teaspoon to kill an adult human male, using 1.5mg/kg as an average of pure Cyanide ion. (so it would actually take about double that because Potassium more than doubles mass of cyanide ion) LD50(oral mice): 5-10mg/kg LD50Perspective (oral): Using the same as before, the calculations come to 0.15 teaspoon to kill. Please see notes at the end for additional information and context. LD100 (oral mice): ~40mg/kg LD100Perspective (oral): Using same methods and figures from before it would take 0.7 teaspoons to kill lab mice 100% of the time. T1/2: 20min - 1hr (conversion from Cyanide to thiocyanate) ADME Absorption: Inhalation of airborn crystals (or of HCN after hydrolysis reaction occurs), ingestion, injection (IV), skin absorption Distribution: KCN is distributed by the cardiovascular system (through the blood) It has a higher affinity for Red Blood Cells than plasma. Excretion: 72% excretion by feces and urine, 25% through exhalation, 3% retained in one month. Urine is the primary method after cyanide is converted into thiocyanate, which usually occurs in the first 24h of exposure. Sweat and saliva via HPA Metabolism (Technical stuff incoming): Note: This works for ALL forms of Cyanide! I know other forms of Cyanide have been used by Gosho, but due to the metabolism and mechanism (next section) being identical, I won't do the others unless I find *significant* differences between the forms of cyanide. Note 2: All forms of cyanide are converted into HCN when ingested. The acid of the stomach creates a hydrolysis reaction that converts it. The cyanide ion (just the CN-) is conjugated with Sulphur, which creates the anion thiocyanate (SCN-). This reaction is catalyzed by the enzyme Rhodanese. Rhodanese is produced in MOST ANIMAL TISSUES, so this reaction need not occur in the liver or in the kidneys. It does need the cofactor sulphane-sulfer (via HPA) for this conversion to occur. After its conversion to thiocyanate, it is in such a form that it can be excreted through the urine. Translation for lay people: KCN becomes K+ and CN-. The cyanide reacts with sulphur in the biological system. This is aided by Rhodanese enzyme, which makes this reaction occur faster. After the reaction is done, it is thiocyanate (SCN-). Thiocyanate can be excreted through the urine, thus being expelled. Mechanism of toxicity (aka: how it kills you): Information on the mechanism from Detective Conan Desperate Revival Case is as follows: According to justwantanaccount, the translation I read was wrong. Gosho did describe it as a electron transfer. From justwantanaccount "The original Japanese for the 'electron signaling' is 電子伝達系, which directly translates to 'electron transfer system'" Verdict: Correct. In reality: Cyanide has an affinity for iron in ferric state (Fe3+). This allows it to react with the iron in cytochrome c oxidase in the mitochondria of cells. This interaction blocks cytochrome c's ability to participate in the electron transfers that are involved in cellular respiration. This blocks the cell's utilization of oxygen. Basically what happens is that the Cyanide takes the place of the cytochrome c oxidase's open site for electrons, which would be transferred to oxygen allowing the oxygen to be converted to water for use within the biological system which is for the creation of ATP. Translation for lay people: There is more to this reaction, but I'm sticking to Cyanide here. Basically, Cyanide interacts with iron, iron interacts with enzyme involved in cellular respiration, this prevents electron transfer between enzyme and oxygen, preventing oxygen from being utilized in cellular respiration. This stops cellular respiration and thus oxygen is not used. This naturally leads to death. Note on toxicity as depicted in Detective Conan: Gosho has overestimated the affects of KCN on a human system. From what I have found, that is the estimated in a general system. However, lethal affects are NOT immediate, unless concentrations are significantly higher. 0.25 teaspoons is what can kill on average. According to the data, it took 35-40mg/kg of CN- to kill mice ~100% of the time (all but one died). Now, the time it took until death was 19 minutes at that dosage. This is further cooroborated with a case I found, that stated a woman, after ingesting 2.5g NaCN, died after 30 minutes. Symptoms occur far before it (tingling sensations, and the like) followed by unconsciousness. Death is NOT immediate. On average for a lethal dose in humans takes approximately One hour to kill. Immediate death (as seen in DC) would take significantly more what could be fit into an ice cube with a small cavity created. The amount Gosho uses is probably around 2-5 times off the minimum lethal amount in humans in Desperate Revival (due to an ice plug being needed, the amount couldn't have been more than about ~10-20 milligrams) FINAL NOTE: I excluded a few things for simplicity, such as the the treatment for Potassium Cyanide. I also did not include symptoms of nonlethal exposure or chronic exposure. If you want that information included, please leave a comment in my profile or in the status update announcing the completion of KCN analysis!
  9. 1 point
    Hmmm...it has to be PAINTED, eh....xP I guess I can try it~
  10. 1 point
    i paint landscapes regularly in my daily life and sell them. THIS is hno problem XDD i'm looking forward to it. bad thing. i have no camera. mine broke. my sis has hers in new york and i'm not allowed a cell phone
  11. 1 point
    Reps can be given out as prizes, I think. I hosted a contest once involving reps as prizes, and the mods didn't complain, so I think it's OK.
  12. 1 point
    Pretty interesting Idea If i am not busy I will enter But isn't submission date too soon it's like only 10 to 12 day's are remaining. About the rep thing Did you consult with Chek or CC about this ?
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