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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/22/15 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    So I purchased all available volumes that were translated of the manga and am just about to run out of volumes as they only release one every few months. Initially I was a little annoyed with the name changes and the "Americanisation" of the manga but after a while it really grew on me. Firstly you have Aoyama Gosho's notes at the end of each chapter which is really a look back into the past... I just remember little things like him talking about his proud purchase of a Windows 95 pc rating it over a Mac , and his worries about the localisation of the anime when it was originally being released in English. They put in little clues, just specific words in bold that give you an idea as to how the case will unfold. You also just have way higher quality scans and consistency in translations... the earlier versions were pretty bad quality really. Yeah that's all, I'm not trying to demean the scanlation groups nor anyone that reads them, I just wanted to make people aware that the official translations have something to offer. I'm not saying not to read the scanlations, but if you have recently picked up the series and can't put up with the chopping visual and grammatical quality of the earlier chapters and have some money to spare I would recommend buying the volumes.
  2. 1 point
    THE SECOND CHAPTER OF MY VERMOUTH MANGA IS COMPLETE! Check it out here: http://meitanteixx.deviantart.com/gallery/54272093/DC-Behind-the-Black-Curtains-Vermouth-Part-2 Please enjoy and I’d appreciate any kind of feedback! ^^
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