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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Maurice

  1. Made some more changes. Should be looking better now. Thanks!
  2. Good point. I removed the Shop for now until we find an alternative (if you have one, do not hesitate to comment ). Thanks for bringing this up.
  3. Good catch. This was fixed. Pages should have SSL enabled by default now.
  4. Hello everyone, As you have noticed, the forum was down for some time in order to solve a major spam-flooding issue. The spammers would be able to register (probably manually - i.e. through human intervention) and then flood the boards really fast. I've had no choice but to rollback the forum to a decent enough date (without a huge mass of spammy content), which is the 1st of February. We apologize for this urgent undertaking. Fortunately, because of the spam, people weren't creating that many legitimate content and therefore not that much was lost normally. I also took this opportunity to upgrade the forum software. Here's what I implemented to control such issues in the future: The registration form was modified a bit more to further prevent automated/bot registration. When a member registers now, they will be in the Members group which now has the following restrictions: There is a flooding control time of 5 minutes (they have to wait 5 minutes after posting something to post something else). They can also only post 3 times per day and the first few posts need to be approved before going up. They won't be able to upload profile photos/covers. There'll be a limit on number of private messages and reactions they can do per day. Besides posting, there will be some more restrictions (such as the inability to upload attachments). Once a member from the "Members" group reaches 10 posts and their account is older than 30 days, they will be moved to the "Advanced" group. The Advanced group will reduce the flooding control time to 3 minutes. They won't have that many restrictions and will be just like normal members (i.e. just the way the Members group was before). After they reach 50 posts and their account is older than 30 days, they will be moved to the "Renowned" group. "Renowned" members will have the flooding control time reduced to only 30 seconds. I know that it can be a bit tedious for new members and I sincerely apologize for that but there just aren't any realistic way to completely eradicate spamming once a site with community/interactive features reaches a certain amount of traffic: it'll always be subjected to more and more innovative spam attacks (or worse). New members, I really hope you'll be willing to show a little bit of patience with this process. Fortunately, once you get to the "Advanced" group, it'll be so much better in general! I really hope we can count of your understanding. Thank you, Maurice
  5. Thanks for reporting. It's fixed.
  6. Hello, Did she get this message after filling out the registration form completely, then clicking on "I agree to the Terms of Use" and then on the "Create My Account" button at the bottom of the page? If not, was she even able to get to the registration form? Did she see the security check on the registration form? The new upgrade now takes into account blacklisted emails and/or IP addresses shared between different forum platforms to prevent known spammers to register. Maybe her email address was flagged? She could try to use a different one. It could also be her IP address. This can happen if she has a dynamic IP address and she got assigned an IP address that was used by a spammer that was flagged not so long ago. She could try to reboot her router to get a new IP address.
  7. Hey Chekhov. Let me know when you're back. Thanks. :)

  8. The "logging out" part may be normal because I had to clear the cache a few times and restart many services. It should be more stable now. Note to everyone: We'll be performing the forum upgrade soon. The board might go into maintenance mode during the upgrade. Thank you for your patience!
  9. Hello everyone! You may have noticed that the site has been down for a few hours today. I've had to put the site into maintenance mode in a bit of a rush to initiate upgrades to several server services (following the recent changes I've had to undertake to counter the spam/hack issues). The operation seems to have worked out well. But if you find any issues on the forum or wiki, please let us know here. Thank you! I would also like to give you a heads up regarding a potential upgrade to our forum platform coming up very soon. Therefore, the board might be down for a little bit while we perform the upgrade in the coming days. Thank you for your patience!
  10. I've whitelisted the wiki since the wiki software would catch SQL injections anyway (it's true that /* */ could be used for SQL injections but if the software is well coded, it shouldn't cause issues anyway). Let me know if there are other issues with the wiki. Thanks for the report.
  11. Don't worry, I've been working on adding an extra layer of protection (firewall + more). What you see right now could be normal for the next few days. It will hopefully get solved soon!
  12. Don't worry, It's just that I haven't had a chance to look at my messages yet. I'll answer soon don't worry. I've been working on a few server-side issues/things related to the whole situation. Plus I work during the day, so I don't have much time in a full day but I'll get to it soon.
  13. Haha, thank you! I'm glad you like the site and what everyone have worked hard to achieve here! I know I'm not that much around (mainly due to work) but I do check out on the site and the wiki whenever I can.
  14. Sorry for being late to the party! Interesting point regarding statuses from FB/Twitter. I guess it'll remove some noise indeed. I just disabled this feature for everybody besides Admin, Moderators and Donators. Let's see how it goes now.
  15. It is indeed true that inspector is technically higher than Detective. But since Kogoro (which was himself in the Police force before becoming a detective) has such a big role in the series compared to the other Police officers, I thought people would be more inclined to reach that "status" of 'rogue' officer/detective. But it is indeed possible to revise the ranks. For example, I like one idea mentioned above about using the "Criminal" icon for a banned user instead of the Black Org's one. But I'm not sure how the Black Org would fit in the forum ranks then..
  16. Hello all! I'm very pleased to announce that we now have new DCW-related rank icons on the forum! It's been quite a while since I've wanted to make something like that for DCW (see forum thread: www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/801-looking-for-ideas-and-talent). I finally went ahead and did something nice and simple. A first version of something that could evolve further more in the future. At least, it'll be a good upgrade to what we have right now! Here are the rankings: Administrator: Moderator: Observer (Validating members): Eyewitness (Normal members): Protagonist (100+ posts): Officer (500+ posts): Inspector (2000+ posts): Detective (10000+ posts): Secret Agent (Donators): Black Organisation (Banned): That's about it! Feedback welcome as usual! Thank you.
  17. Good catch! I just fixed it. It was due to the server reinstall. Thanks for the report!
  18. Thank you! haha There's been an issue with the domain name routing. The server/site was still alive but nobody could reach it. It took some time to solve and hopefully it's fine now.
  19. The wiki is now open for editing.
  20. Hello all! I actually posted a message about the maintenance but it was not backed up (because of the hardware issues we've been having lately with the server). To sum up, there's been some changes such as: - Hardware change (new disk) - New OS and administrative tools - Hopefully more stable environment I still have to work on a remote backuping system (the local backuping process should be stable and work nicely). Since there's been an issue with the latest backup of the wiki, some changes have to be redone (from March 15 to 18). I will be updating it soon with the latest changes. Therefore, the wiki will not be editable for the time being (except by admins). Thank you for your patience and understanding! Maurice
  21. I've done some additionnal maintenance tests and checks. Everything seems to be ok. The backup system should be much more reliable now too. Note that there might be another maintenance routine in the future to update the server/OS. But it can wait for now. So, I'll be re-opening the wiki now. Thank you all for your patience once again and enjoy!
  22. Thank you all for your patience and words of appreciation. The moderation team as well as some dedicated and motivated contributors have worked really hard to put the wiki almost 100% back to the last known stable version before the "crash". I've revamped the backup system already and am planning on doing some more tweaks. The wiki will be back online soon but note that I will do a series of maintenance runs first. I'll do some tests at the hardware and OS level to make sure everything's working good and I'll most likely make a fresh server install because of some issues related to a couple of adminstrative features. So, I may have to ask for your patience again. But hopefully, everything will be back to normal very soon! It's odd to say this but it's in times like these that you really see how important and valuable the wiki is - when we hear your words. So, thank you again for your great support!
  23. As Chek said, there's quite a bit of work but we'll get there for sure! Thank you all for your patience. That's indeed an idea we're considering. We'll possibly contact some reliable editors to help out.
  24. Thank you Chekhov! Thanks for thinking ahead and for your incredible commitment. I greatly appreciate it! It's really awesome to know I can count on you, the admins and the community in times of trouble! Fortunately, I was able to retrieve some cached files from the pages that have been created/modified recently. The wiki will remain locked until we (the admins) can fix it the best we can. Regarding your question, the page size isn't a big problem in regards to the server traffic (fortunately). Most of the data is saved in the database. There are other bottlenecks and most of them are hardware or network-related. I'll look into further optimizing the server resources and utilization. Thanks again!
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