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Black Demon

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Everything posted by Black Demon

  1. I can guess that "gong hei" = 恭喜 (gōng xǐ), because it sounds like my language "cung hỉ", which is the direct Vietnamese translation of "恭喜" (Vietnamese and Cantonese sometimes have similarities in pronunciations). But I don't know what "fat choi" means...
  2. So 1994 was fake ? :V You faked that to flirt with IU ? :P

  3. Does it mean "Happy New Year" ? If I'm not mistaken, the Cantonese also use normal (probably Traditional) Chinese characters, they just pronounce it differently.
  4. That's terrible. I hope that there will be no life lost.
  5. Black Demon

    Gin End

    There's already a thread for this: http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/2525-future-of-vermouth-and-gin/
  6. Since when was your birth-year 1988 ? :V

  7. 我呢... 很多重要的事是在今年发生的... 我很希望什么不顺利的都没有...
  8. CHÚC MỪNG NĂM MỚI !!!! (Happy New Year !)
  9. 2012 年到了 !!! 新年你们有什么愿意 ? (我不知道你们国家有没有自己的传统新年, 所以... whatever XD )
  10. Dear Anonymous, Good luck in the new year ! You're gonna need it ! Signed, yourself.
  11. I found out that it's already 2012 here
  12. I care more about the storyline and the battles themselves than pairing. But I definitely think that Takeru should be with Hikari. Hell, there's absolutely NO reason for them NOT being together, while Miyako ends ups with Ken. I don't care much about Sora's relationship though.
  13. I think that woman is pregnant, judging by her light clothing in winter time and the fact that she's been feeling tired lately. The most important clue is when she threw up while eating.
  14. Yes. Because of something really ridiculous. XD
  15. What are you doing then ?

  16. Chinese, what else ? XDDD

  17. It's just some life and death thing...

    Kidding ^^

    And how are you ? :P

  18. I hate Blue Screen of Death
  19. It's nothing. I'm just dealing with some personal issues, which all I can do now is to wait ^^

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