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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Heiji1412

  1. Letters... Sculpture or painting?
  2. I would call help or try to smash the door xD What would you do if you are suspected of murdering someone you don't even know?
  3. Hi, and Welcome!! Hope you enjoy being here ^^

    Would you like to be friends with me? <3

  4. Liar! Then you shouldn't even know DCW xD I'm random policeman in DC xD
  5. ... knows always what time is it xD When I smile to you...
  6. Liar! You don't even know what being tired means xD I'm driving Gins car ^^
  7. ...Is the most handsome thief ;D Hattori Heiji...
  8. Werewolves ;D Cold summer or warm winter?
  9. Liar!! I saw you spaceship in your backyard I just swam over the atlantic ocean!
  10. ...I will last forever, too xD If you would know how DC ends, you...
  11. Hi, JustaL and it's okay ^^ Servant of Kid xD I think I will support! What is The Pantz Spamming frontĀ© anyway? x'D
  12. I didn't like movies 2, 9 and 11. I don't know why... But those were just not so good Movie 11 is the worst! I have to admit with everyone xD
  13. Am I the only one who didn't like ova 9? xDDD I like ova 2, 4 and 10 xD
  14. All of the movies are great but I think I like 8, 13 and 14 most ^^ I can't choice favorite xD
  15. Yes of course ^^ Who is the most annoying character in DC?
  16. Heiji1412

    Random Thought

    Off with their heads xDDD
  17. Cotton candy was made of poison, so when you ate it, you died xD Shoe xD
  18. Liar! I just saw you going to a local cinema! xD I hate golf!
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