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Everything posted by chiro

  1. i watched your drawing!

    yeah, very cuuuuuuuuuuuute!!! especially heiji is! ;) ;)

  2. chiro

    My DC Bookmark

    hi,heiji~! your pic is NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;) i love it!!!!!!
  3. i leave for Tokyo in 2 hours... goodbye Fukui, Hello Tokyo, my hometown~! :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Wildheart888


      Wait...you live in Japan? Like now? Fukui, right? OMG LUCKYYYY (again)

    3. chiro


      haha. yup, yup! i live in Fukui by myself but i was born & grew up in Tokyo. :) :)

    4. chiro


      haha. yup, yup! i live in Fukui by myself but i was born & grew up in Tokyo. :) :)

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  4. ho~~~~!

    i wanna see your work!! xD

    yeah, i always post in Photobucket before DCW.

    and i get the img code and paste it on DCW's topic. :) :)

    Photobucket URL → http://photobucket.com/

  5. different things??

    what do you draw, for example?

    ah yeah. i dont know where you post too. :P

  6. chiro

    my sweetie, sherry

    thank you!! :) haha. mayb i'm blind.
  7. chiro

    my sweetie, sherry

    thx! yeah, pens painting her face were used up.... so, i'm not satisfied with it... but if you feel wrong at the other point, i dont know! :P
  8. chiro

    my sweetie, sherry

    thx! i love the Ai. yeah, your avatar!! thx~~!! ;D i enjoyed drawing Ai the best!!! :)
  9. chiro

    my sweetie, sherry

    thx!!^^ yeah, i should do. thank you! *found it* .....gave me +rep? thx! :)
  10. chiro

    my sweetie, sherry

    wooooww!! you also like Haibara!! yeah~~! *high five* haha. okey, thank you!! yup yup! i cant see her on TV this month so i'm sad... thanks!!
  11. chiro

    my sweetie, sherry

    i'm a Haibara fan. so i drew & painted her again. but i've used up my marker pens while i was painting!!!!!!!! OMG.. so i couldnt paint enough.. hmmmmmm. mayb i'll buy pens & try it later.
  12. hi! nice to meet you too. :)

    thx for the add & comment.

    ah i 'm glad you like my pic! ;)

    do you draw something too??

  13. if you love clothes made of animal skins or something like them, check the videos. → http://youtu.be/bIYvZfDzEv8 http://youtu.be/P_uloS8CAvY

  14. chiro

    my sweetie, sherry

    thx!!! haha. me too. this is my first work as for the background. anyway, thank you!!!!!
  15. a scientist put in prison cuz he found & reported there were heart damages by cesium137 on children who were died as well as animals in Chernobyl. anyway, the connection btwn WHO & IAEA SHOULD BE TORN!!

  16. ah...i love Haibara wearing a blouse or a sleeveless shirt. but i dont care whether she is sexy.
  17. Naoki.M., a Japanese soccer player, died a coronary though he was not fat, smoker, & doesnt have hypertension. if this kind of death follows, the bodies should be dissected. cuz we can guess one of the cause is cesium137.

    1. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      I read the story, and it said he had a suspected heart attack. It seems suspicious, but that may be because I tend not to trust people.

    2. chiro


      yeah. in any case, we don't know what's the truth without autopsy... X(

  18. chiro

    my sweetie, sherry

    thank you~!! i love your avatar!! NICE!!!!!!!!
  19. hi! Tna~^^ i watched the link....and i'm gonna advise you. ・るっさい (russai -> noisy; loud; fussy; annoying; troublesome; tiresome; bossy) correct: るっさい→うるさい るっさい only dies 'う' of 'うるさい' and emphasizes 'うるさい'. i think 'うるさい' is better when you say or write. anyway.... 勉強頑張ってね~!! :rolleyes:
  20. chiro

    my sweetie, sherry

    thx!!!! yeah, i know.. and other member also pointed that!! but i dont like girls having big breasts. haha!
  21. omg!! in a few days im interested in physics....though i've disliked it until now. LOL

    1. chiro


      haha! yes, physics is difficult! X(

    2. Chekhov MacGuffin

      Chekhov MacGuffin

      ∇ <-- Your friend forever.

    3. chiro


      hahaha! yeah, my best friend. :P

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  22. chiro

    my sweetie, sherry

    thank you, guys!!!!
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