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Detective Conan World

Good Nazo no Kage

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Everything posted by Good Nazo no Kage


    1. TheBlackTac


      Woah~ :o I didn't know that you were a fan of this series. xD

  2. Akagi's Panda Comet. Watch out.

  3. Currently looking into books that give ideas on drawing dragons and other creatures. Also gonna read more of The Promise Series, which is the thing that bridges The Legend of Aang and The Legend of Korra.
  4. Played Monster Hunter: Freedom Unite. Beat a monster with only about 5 seconds to spare. That was close! O__O

  5. Playing Silent Hill: Downpour... Awesome creepy~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Good Nazo no Kage

      Good Nazo no Kage

      I don't mind if it's third-person or first-person. Both seem nice. :)

    3. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      Is it good? Never heard of it, lol.

    4. Good Nazo no Kage

      Good Nazo no Kage

      It's a survival horror game. :3

  6. It's a full moon... *turns into a cat*

  7. "TOURNAMENT FAILED" ?! I was winning! I had it in absolute checkmate trap and you give me TOURNAMENT FAILED?! DX

  8. I dreamed I was in a creepy restaurant in a creepy area where bad things were the good things. I think the restaurant was called "Holocaust Restaurant." So a lot of things were Nazi...and creepy...
  9. People who take games TOO seriously.
  10. "Sometimes, the person who tries to keep everyone happy is always the loneliest person, so never leave them alone because they will never say that they need you when they really do."

  11. Does anybody know how annoying and irritating it is for someone to call a more than decent anime/TV show/cartoon "weaboo"? Especially when they themselves are weaboo. I mean, try imagining someone saying "The Legend of Aang/Korra" or saying "Detective Conan" is some stupid show that has no worth or value. I'd be really, really annoyed. Wouldn't you be annoyed and irritated at that person, too??

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Good Nazo no Kage

      Good Nazo no Kage

      ^I can understand that. But my point is that she IS weaboo, and she called a piece of work that has substance, plot, and theme "weaboo." It's her hypocrisy that really annoys and irritates me.

    3. Dusty


      Yes I would be. Detective Conan is totally worth something. And I don't even watch TV or Movies and I say that. Has she seen any of it? If no, she should see at least part of the series before saying anything.

    4. Good Nazo no Kage

      Good Nazo no Kage

      Well, the DC part was only an example. That's why I said "try imagining someone saying that." Anyways, she has seen a good chunk of Avatar episodes. Compare Avatar to the nonsense, perverted stuff she watches, I'd say Avatar has substance and she's stupid and hypocritical for saying it's weaboo.

  12. So I killed this zombie, and it just slid down the hill...coolly...

  13. Good Nazo no Kage


    Chemistry: Organic Chemistry stuff Film Study: essay Math: Regents short response questions US History: Multiple choice questions and outline for an essay
  14. I electrocuted a dragon to death... HAHAHA!

  15. Who let the chimeras out?! *roar roar roar roar roar* Who let the chimeras out?! *roar roar roar roar roar*

    1. Kyuu Nye

      Kyuu Nye

      That is racist against Chimeras that don't have large cat spliced in them!

    2. Good Nazo no Kage

      Good Nazo no Kage

      Wait whut? O.O

      They have lion DNA in them!

  16. Pepperoni or sausage with cheese always of course.
  17. When Action-adventure is effectively combined with Fantasy RPG. I don't know if I explained it right.

    One way to think of it is to think of Monster Hunter and make it an RPG with a story. Something like that.

  18. OH MY GOD! Why is Conan dancing?!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chekhov MacGuffin

      Chekhov MacGuffin

      It's called a para para dance. They were really popular in Japan when that opening was made.

    3. Sherlock Lupin

      Sherlock Lupin

      Oh, that one... I remember that one...

    4. Good Nazo no Kage

      Good Nazo no Kage

      It's very odd to see Conan dance that dance. O__O

  19. Holy cat! I just had an awesome idea. What if... Aman vs. Azula?!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AJ M.

      AJ M.

      Hmm... Azula is definitely stealthy and quick on her feet AND she blasts out blue fire, but once Amon jabs at her with chi blocking, she's done for (unless she manages to escape). :P

    3. Sherlock Lupin

      Sherlock Lupin

      That would be something I want to see!

    4. Good Nazo no Kage

      Good Nazo no Kage

      One more thing! Asami is bada**! She is so awesome!

  20. Nope. Sorry. Doesn't seem like my type of game.

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