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Detective Conan World

Good Nazo no Kage

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Everything posted by Good Nazo no Kage

  1. id love to be friends with you! ^__^

  2. ur a fan too?! i played MH:FU. im now waiting for the new Monster Hunter Portable to be in english and released.

  3. >That there is a predecessor to Nrvnqsr Chaos's unique abilities. The Darkness and it's main character Jackie Estocado abilities can use shadows/shadow monsters to attack similar to Nrnvqsr Chaos's abilities to manifest black beasts. >I learned it by looking up "The Darkness" and "Tsukihime". The Darkness was first appeared in 1996 while Tsukihime in 2000. The Darkness is four years earlier. >got the info from TM Wikia and Wikipedia
  4. am still waiting for a game trial to download.
  5. of course i dont get it, i cant read Korean. >.>;
  6. i think it says "i dont care", according to google translator. the first one that is
  7. i have heard of it. and i read some of it. it's a funny manga.
  8. i voted for Detective Conan because i like the acronym "DC". it sounds cool to me. and i used to watch Detective Conan on Animax and Animax called it Detective Conan. nostalgia maybe~
  9. im watching an episode of DC where Ran is distracted by another man. EXCELLENT~
  10. u raise an important point. some fans search info on wikis. and she might come across DC Wiki and might even come across DC world.....and make an account....
  11. it would be nice if i become a very active member for ten years and more
  12. taking over the world *insert ebil laughter here*
  13. ooh, i forgot to tell inFAMOUS. i also play it sometimes.
  14. ...why was i playing a PSone classic Lilo and Stitch game... O.o
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