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Good Nazo no Kage

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Everything posted by Good Nazo no Kage

  1. added you~ =3


    you have two PSN IDs? O.o

  2. ooops, i spelled "their" wrong. im supposed to be a grammar nerd >.>;

  3. i know rite! im still getting used to the "team system". i think i can beat them if there were no support chars.


    but if theyre spammers, then i will find a weakness in theyre attacks. because spam is simple. im sure theres some kind of weakness to it. thanks for the clue! XD


    yes, i have a youtube account

  4. but the nine-tails sees everything!


    yeah, it's a good idea to get all titles first then restart.


    i suck online too. XD

    online players > Super hard diffculty


  5. poor Tac :(

    is it a glitch do you think?

  6. the Nine-Tails is a PERV?! le gasp!

  7. oh btw, are you sure the stuff are from General Store Bandai? NOT ninja tools store. you need to buy ALL ultimate jutsu, music etc.

  8. oh gawd, the Nine-Tails know?! weird XD >.<

  9. Ling is now gone. LING! first Barry and now Ling. T__T uwaaa! *cries*
  10. random thought:

    so if Naruto kisses a girl, does it mean that the Nine-Tails knows that Naruto is kissing someone?

    how about if he takes a bath, does the Nine-Tails know too?



  11. okays~

    check my status btw. it's about the trophy...

  12. DC was shown in Animax. didnt ya know? EDIT: on second thought, because of the lack of content of the introductory post, i have no idea what this is all about. i posted a response assuming that this is what this vamshi person is referring to.
  13. Barry the Chopper dying. BARRRRRYYYYYYYY!!!!!! DON'T LEAVE US! ;___;

    nope. i dont really play FF games. why?

  15. the moon gives me power. especially if it's full. and no i am not a werewolf.
  16. i got to see ****** die twice. dammit. T__T
  17. Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 Platinum Trophy, HERE I COME!

    1. TheBlackTac


      I bought all of it. But i don't understand why i don't have the Trophy. >_>

    2. Good Nazo no Kage

      Good Nazo no Kage

      everything needs to be sold out

    3. TheBlackTac


      I bought all of it. And still...

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