Knock knock!
Who's there?
Me? Just me?
Yes. You.
*Shivers* Where is everybody? *looks around expectantly*
They are dead. *evil laugh* I sent my underlings to bomb their homes and burn them to the ground.
WHAAAT?!! No way! That's impossible. They come from all over the world. There's no way you --whoever you are-- could have killed them off like that!
Oh, but kid, for your information, my organization is widespread, with members holding top positions in every company, every business, every nook and cranny around the world. For me, sending a bunch of snipers to murder the members of this chatroom with no trace can be done with the snap of a finger.
Eh?!! That's impossible! Don't tell me, you're--ANOKATA?!!
Yes, you're lucky you have enough sense in that tiny brain of yours to figure it out. But "luck" isn't on your side now. Bye-bye! *shoots gun at me*
Instantly a deck of cards flies out.
EEEEEEHHHHH???!!!!! KAITOU KID?!!!! What on Earth are you doing here?
Just dropping by~
Before I fly into the sky~
Ja ne! I have a jewel to steal~
*vanishes in a puff of pink smoke*
*happens to glance out the window*
Ah, so everyone is at the Kid heist after all...So that's why everyone's gone missing...
Seriously, where is everyone? =(