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Detective Conan World


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Posts posted by shiho.chan

  1. Welcome Welcome Welcome! :mrgreen: f6eb47d3.gif

    thanks Edogawa-kun! i love ur sig!!! ^_^

    *gives bandages, gives what ever's in the fridge*

    Welcome to DCW! Its really fun here you see!th_100_.gif

    No matter who you are, you won't be bored here!

    There are some extremely CALM-I mean reallly INSANE members


    Examples: Akataka, Aeyra, KKLT(Kaito Kid Legendary Thief) KTPT (Kid the Phantom Thief),

    Cammy3131, Moonlight Magician (was: Detective Shin), Anti-APTX4869- Call him Cure-kun,

    me, JustaL, and many more!!!!!!!!!!!!!015.gifth_101_.gif

    Nicknames....Talk to me! 074.gif

    Questions.... Ask anybody!04a97f13.gif

    Have fun on your stay! baa60776.gif

    thanks! and i am having so much fun here.. :lol:

    Hey!! WELCOME TO DCW!! We're all crazy insane here, so don't mind us!! OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!! Unless you are too?? BUT I'M MORE INSANE THAN THE OTHERS!! ...Anyway, nice to meet you!! I'm Akakata, but I was formerly Chelseaj500. But you can call me Chelsea or whatever you want. I have so many nicknames... I'm known as DCW's Most Insane Laugher for obvious reasons. And I'm also an author on FanFiction. I wrote Into the World of Detective Conan. Read it? If so, I hope you liked it!! If not, I hope you do soon!! There's many AMAZING people here... Too many to name. :P But you'll meet them, don't worry. Have an AWESOME time here and enjoy your stay... OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!

    thanks! i wanna hear you laugh! :lol:

    and i love your sig too! kaito in pink apron! ^_^

  2. I do

    What's the meaning of cephalocaudal-proximodistal development?


    will i be punished if i didn't answer this?

    i googled it and here's an answer

    This is my understanding...idea.gif

    They both refer to the development over the first 2 years of life.

    Cephalocaudal - neurological development from the head downwards - i.e. first they move their heads, then their necks get stronger so they can hold their head up,etc etc until they can lift themselves up, crawl, walk...rotfl.gif

    Proximodistal - where growth starts at the centre of the body and moves towards the extremities - i.e. they start with controlling their arms, then hands, then fingers, all the time improving fine motor control.wave.gif

    Hope that helps__________________


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