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Lupin of the Heisei Era

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Everything posted by Lupin of the Heisei Era

  1. okay.. 1. i like Friday 2. i love wear skinny trouser 3. i love culture and history
  2. Lupin of the Heisei Era


    i'm just familiar with natsu, but all of them are cool!
  3. lol. anyway, i saw your photos in photobucket.

    and they are too cool! XD

  4. haha, well, i don't know :D and since there's Mr. Yo! (MK), now you're the Mrs. Yo! xp

    anyway, how are you in japan?

  5. yeah it was a good day for me :D

    so, how was your birthday? did you get any presents? or do you celebrate it?

  6. >_< no! don't tell me it's because of school!

  7. :P;p:P

    you're welcome! how is it? :P

    anyway, i have to off now. although i have something to ask you but i'll do it tomorrow (maybe).

    goodbye! D:

  8. :P:p:p

    ok kid! here's your cupcakes *gives cupcakes*

    good..me neither

  9. :P:p:p

    LOL~ okay, kid! good!

    i realised that i forgot to put 'want' between don't and to...oh well

  10. ;p;p;p

    be patient would you! you don't to eat a half-baked cupcake, do you?

  11. ;p;p

    oh. ok. but you have to wait it. for long time. :P

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