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wow thanks! you have so many chocolate, huh?
and grapes munch munch
what are you doing?
happy new year to you too
hei i'm back!
yo napa-kun! happy new year! XD
Lupin of the Heisei Era replied to Officer Kaoko's topic in Forum games
Lupin of the Heisei Era replied to Black Demon's topic in Forum games
Lupin of the Heisei Era replied to IdentityUnknown's topic in Forum games
Lupin of the Heisei Era replied to kate-chan_49's topic in Forum games
hahaha~ really?
so do yo like it~~~ XD my new look!
Lupin of the Heisei Era replied to Noir's topic in Forum games
Lupin of the Heisei Era replied to NutCase's topic in Forum games
hai~ i'm sorry but i have to go now. see ya!
oh and happy new year!! XD
just talking with people and searching
just talking with people and searching.
what are you doing right now?
its before new year actually but still =_="
well thank you! *takes blanket and eats soup* yum~
wah so its winter! cool! XD
in here is rainy season so yeah~
i got a cold but i'm fine.
you got a cold too??
wah~ thank you so much XD
so how are you?