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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by AiSuigetsu

  1. i kinda have to

    working=only way of getting allowance that i cannot use

  2. then concentrate on HIM!

  3. not really, its full time =_=

  4. no u dont! u need to concentrate on moho, he's gonna be gone for a while

  5. i work in my dad's restaurant

  6. awwwwww, Moho VS. Greece report

    1111 : 0 XD

  7. im currently working and dealing wif annoying customers

  8. hey ur on! and u changed ur PP <33333

  9. *signing up for best avatar of august contest*

  10. @IU: nope, not working even wif full moon @nobody: me! im nobody's close friend x)
  11. @IU:=_='' @moho: ur acting like spectra =_=''
  12. can i still join?
  13. @moho: not a close one thou TT~TT
  14. i dont think im anyone's close friend, and if i list them they might disagree  T^T
  15. kawaii! <3 <3 <3! you cant even tell that he's sunburned! ima try this someday...
  16. Dear anonymous, I wish u were real =_='' Signed, me
  17. heiji-服部平次 kazuha-和叶 kogoro-毛利小五郎 etc, etc
  18. 谈谈最喜欢的人物吧(除了柯南)
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