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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by AiSuigetsu

  1. well, im not a genius, so dont worry, but im a half nerd
  2. yeah, im 13, you sound like a high schooler, but then you all do
  3. aww, why not? im still younger than you, my sixth sense tells me so
  4. dont worry, i couldnt solve it either, but i guess im just young XD
  5. what about something fun? something like connect these: http://www.envisage.com.au/images/Eskimo%20Nine%20Dot%20Puzzle.png with four straight lines, no stop
  6. yeah, kind of, whatever, i still dont get the problem anyways
  7. im the fastest girl too, once my teacher bet with the class to solve a question in 30 seconds and i was the only one who solved it, and i won a dollar
  8. 没办法啦,我的数学只能在我班上称第一。。。=_='' omg!i just found out my computer can actually type japanese! but anyways, i still dont get the problem, i dont even know what that upside down T sign means
  9. 我也看了,好难啊。。。我二年级就来美国了,现在才13,不要吓我 >,< 中国的教育方法是死记硬背,美国比较自由,人也比较有想象空间 我也是在自学日语,方便看柯南 XP
  10. 我刚刚听了,好nickelodeon哦,我现在在学日语,好难记哦,跟中文似的
  11. =_='' 还是算了吧。。。
  12. 恩,只不过柯南的声音有点奇怪,我从来都没听过英文的,所以不知道怎么样
  13. 我不喜欢听别的语言的柯南,还是日语好听
  14. i just read the first page and really want to know who IU likes
  15. KKLT-neechan 很少读中文吧,很多字幕都是繁体的。。。我觉得挺好读的,而且日本和中国文化有很多相似的地方,比较好理解。。。比如说七夕,英文翻译就变成了Qixi festival或night of the sevens
  16. AiSuigetsu

    Ai pic(s)

    i've actually been uninnocent<--(is that a word?)since i was ten =_=''
  17. AiSuigetsu

    Ai pic(s)

    im taking it the wrong way...=_=''' and im 13 too
  18. PPTV,中文版的 刚刚看了一下第一页,原来KKLT是女的 *汗* 一直以为是男的,听你的语气,应该比我大吧,KKLT-neechan
  19. 我也有fb,可是很少用
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