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Everything posted by AiSuigetsu

  1. 我不知道啊,应该不会吧,我做了很多个账户,可是记不住号码,我现在用的是email ex: xxx@qq.com
  2. 喂,你们有没有QQ啊?如果有的话QQ比DCW方便 ~一个很懒,很懒的人 dinner...brb
  3. 很想跟柯南一起长大,可是又很想看结局。。。好纠结啊
  4. *指自己* 怎么又是我?!! *叹气* 啊。。。你们觉得结局会什么时候出来啊?
  5. 好啦,谈些柯南的事情吧
  6. well, not exactly, it...it...it...it just doesnt sound right
  7. @Vi:we're talking about the chinese translation of cool
  8. um, im not really sure, wait.... *back* i think it's *frustrated* um *looking up on dictionary* nvm, im not that good either ''
  9. literally, yes, but not really from the way ur using it
  10. 只有我一个人一直在这个forum里面,剩下的都是Vi,KKLT,跟wildheart一直换
  11. 啊哈!原来KKLT住在美国啊!
  12. 应该?。。。其实我也很喜欢新兰可是我不知道他们是不是真感情
  13. 谢谢,一直都很支持柯哀的,不过我觉得新兰也很好,无法做出决定
  14. @Vi Graythorn:本来就是想要有这种效果 ,如果嫌名字长的话可以叫我Sophia 好无聊啊,整下午都在下雨。。。
  15. 哦,对哦,你说过你奶奶是台湾人
  16. <3! <3! <3! what's that white box in the second image? one rep for you! =)
  17. 就是网语啦,你没有看中文网站吧。。。我其实也很少用啦,可是我会看 像这个啦:請茬佌輸扖鈥★魰<请在此输入火星文>
  18. @Vi Graythorn: '' *叹气* 一直没想到KKLT也是中国人,对了,你们大家有没有用火星文啊?
  19. 矮油,Vi Graythorn,文法很重要啦!对了,你为什么不改member title呢?
  20. omg! gtg ojiisan *snicker*

  21. yeah, i used to go to art class too, but had to stop since i moved

  22. well, i live in nj right now but i was born in china and lived there for 8 years, i lived in ny for 4 years and moved to nj last year

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