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Detective Conan World


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Status Updates posted by AiSuigetsu

  1. no, im 13 now

    living in us

  2. hey! love your profile pic!

  3. cuz it says so in your interests

  4. really? thats funny

    so you moved back to china after 10th grade?

    where do you live now?

  5. what's MA?

    i was born and lived in china for 8 years

    then i moved to new york

    last year i moved to new jersey

    lots of pressure in school in china

    and you have to bribe the teachers and stuff

    glad i live in the us

    how do you find time to go online even?

  6. oh

    i see

    english isnt that hard

    you seem to be pretty good at it

  7. hey! are you japanese?

  8. love your profile pic!

  9. hey! you live in new jersey too?!

  10. working in my dad's restaurant

    watching conan

    reading books till 5

  11. just wanted to point out you spelled OVA as OAV in the forums section

    im just kind of a spelling and grammar freak ^.^

  12. yeah, i just take phone calls and stuff

    my whole summer is ruined other than being able to watch conan and read under my blankets at night *sigh*

  13. where did you find your profile pic? its so cute

  14. try to scale it and save the scaled down copy

  15. i prefer english, but i speak mostly chinese at home. i type in chinese sometimes too, to say stuff that i cant translate into english

  16. yeah, i can still write chinese, but not a lot

    i can read most of them

  17. i type in chinese...sometimes


  18. yeah, im AiCon, however, i dont approve of ShinShi

  19. ur welcome...so excited!!

  20. I dont know...i wish conan could split and both AiCon and ShinRan will be possible

  21. 一直以为你是在中国出生的。-。



  22. 什么类型的啊?



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