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Everything posted by AiSuigetsu

  1. Your wish came true but you forgot to sign your name and someone else stole your artwork I wish I was a better talker
  2. Dear Anonymous, lol I see~ Signed, Me ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Anonymous, Art block ;_________ _________; give meh an inspiration plz~~ Signed, Frustrated Artist
  3. Dear Anonymous, ...Are you naming your pokemons after Hetalia characters? o.O;; Signed, Me
  4. 圣诞快乐!!! \o/\o/\o/
  5. Dear Anonymous People, I'm not anonymous today! \o/ Merry Christmas~ Signed, Sophia
  6. This is my Secret Santa present for AJ M~ Merry Christmas~ Sry for the crappiness ;______; The shadows suck Conan is an absolute horror The presents are ugly The glow is bad And my hand writing is disgusting D; Please continue criticizing ;______ _______;
  7. http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/3095-secret-santa-2011/ I. AM. DONE. \o/\o/\o/
  8. omgomgomg give me another hour ! D:
  9. \o/ Dear Anonymous, Merry Christmas. I know it's early, but I don't know if I'll be able to tell you this tomorrow. Love, Anonymous
  10. are u awake yet? lolol

  11. Finished first chapter, I think I can guess what's happening.

  12. I won't suicide, I don't have the guts to anyways. But if I ever do decide to disappear, I'll make an explanation. I don't want others to feel guilty for my faults.

  13. I don't know...but I can barely control myself from breaking down everyday. If I can't bring happiness, at least I can stop being a burden.

  14. ...then perhaps I'll bear it without mourning. I've tried to create smiles, but I'm not talented enough. I don't know...perhaps I really have changed a lot. I don't recognize myself anymore. I should just isolate myself and stop bringing pain upon others.

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