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Everything posted by AiSuigetsu

  1. Ofc it is, princess :V

  2. But u are ==

    hygiene freak, likes shopping, and now sNsd, what do u expect?

  3. Lol

    I don't like being called girly simply because I am not

  4. Have I mentioned that's girly? :V

    Thou I bet ur future gf would love it :V

  5. :V

    Thought u wouldn't object as I was mentioned to hat you had good taste in fashion :V

  6. Work :V

    Then go to the mall after midnight

  7. Lucky

    My parents are strict

    I rarely hang out with friends cuz either I have to work or they have to work

  8. Mhm

    U in the secret Santa event?

    But my family doesn't really celebrate it, just gifts and dinner


  9. Ahh I see

    that sucks, guess we all have some of these friends

  10. Yup, and proud of it

    Ahh, I see~

  11. The*

    I hate auto correct

  12. As I guessed, most likely ur grandpa

    Care to share he other part?

  13. I see

    Then might it be the death or worsening conditions of a family member?

  14. Is that the reason you became so depressed?

    I remember(before u ignored me :V) that u were doin fine and she was perhaps dropping hints

  15. I have someone I love, an that someone broke my heart, but I still love him

    Speaking of that, what goin on between u and her?

  16. D:


    Im sick for three seasons of the year, no allergies thou, just a cold

  17. Btw u seem to get sick a lot, is it just ur immune system, or is it allergies or something?

  18. Yeah, but hopefully this is the darkness before dawn :/

  19. When u find out if u weren't so stupid and had done something sooner, nothing would have gone wrong

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