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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by AiSuigetsu

  1. *feels an urge to say "the ceiling"*

    nothing lol

  2. talking to [i think you know who im talking about :P]

  3. but i thought since he went out with lia and lia lives in hk (if i remember correctly) then he'd be chinese
  4. ...I always thought MKK was chinese
  5. dear anonymous, want me to surprise you? signed, anonymous
  6. i see~


    get some nap then

  7. oh :mellow:

    violin class or tutoring? (i think its probably the latter :V)

  8. that sucks :/

    u shouldnt wake up so early

    on weekends i wake up around 11 (though i could sleep till 3 or 4 if my mom didnt have to scream in my ears *sleeps around 3 or 4 am at night*)

  9. wait, nvm

    chapter-test*? :V

  10. looks like you have the mid-term soon

    hope you got some sleep

  11. somehow my computer has it :/ i dont like it though, personally prefer 金山词霸
  12. \o/(well my mom has a cream one ) i want a Siamese cat :3
  13. *looks at object in hand* i have a black mouse
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