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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by AiSuigetsu

  1. yeah ^ ^;;

    im okay(ish)

    and im doing some stalking LOL

  2. Dear anonymous, has he decided to... me ---------------------------------------------------------------- dear anonymous, why did i fall when i knew all that awaited was pain? signed anonymous
  3. Dear anonymous, Tomorrow... will u talk? signed the girl who needs an answer
  4. my (current) school did guys and dolls the year before \o/ but i wasnt there ^ ^;; so i guess i cant really help
  5. that sucks :(

    history is horrible D:<

  6. :D

    So what are u working on right now? :3

  7. Dear anonymous, Tell me I'm not good at this, just try *laughs* anonymous
  8. Thx :P

    I was like soooooooooo scared DX

    But it actually turned out okay (:

  9. sry ^ ^; definitively yes first impressions are awesome >:3
  10. xP LOL then i shall fly over ther-*flies*
  11. seriously? she doesnt let u ppl hug her? wow O.o xD i will, ASAP!
  12. nah she just let me hug her :3 i feel so special xD
  13. she talks about me? =_= *wonders about the stuff she says behind my back* xD ill try but i visited u with a purpose >:3 and i tackled nyu xD
  14. OMG THAT IS SO COOL!! O__O that's insane she does? :3 =_='' i hope you have a good instinct
  15. ikr! she's my best friend (though she might be getting replaced by u xD and i might not be HER best friend) Luka-chan has evolved? O.o is that even possible? x)
  16. oh yeah! LOL i didnt think she was weird ^ ^;; but then now that i think about it idk why i thought she wasnt xD i was more interested in nyu x)
  17. did u know each other in elementary, or no? LOL she is xP
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