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Detective Conan World


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Status Updates posted by AiSuigetsu

  1. yeah, i used to go to art class too, but had to stop since i moved

  2. omg! gtg ojiisan *snicker*

  3. thx, they're mostly for my drawings

  4. ikr? i guess im just lucky and the people here are just cool XP

  5. i haven't been drawing lately, so idk, maybe

  6. idk...maybe its a reply to my location

  7. ur up early for someone who goes to sleep at 3

  8. ur welcome, and ur currently...*checking*...19...XD

  9. really? i need about 7 hours of sleep, but no matter how little/much i sleep, im always sleepy in the morning, so i guess it doesnt matter

  10. neither do i, but sometimes i drink tea

  11. yeah, i dont drink water either, i like juice better

  12. U mean the DC podcast?

  13. oh i cant do that...even though i hate the cold

  14. lucky! u get to visit shanghai

  15. oh, i see, i havent visited china for more than 5 years

  16. its in japanese and i cant understand DX

  17. oohh same profile pics! XD

    Happy Birthday!

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