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Detective Conan World

Rukia Kurosaki

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Rukia Kurosaki last won the day on April 4 2014

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Community Reputation

357 Excellent


About Rukia Kurosaki

  • Rank
    DCW's Amontillado
  • Birthday 02/16/1995

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  1. "There's only one person in this world I would trust with my life... and it isn't you~" Captain Ash

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. A L

      A L

      Jerkity jerk jerk. Being a jerk is jerky. Beef jerky. OwO

    3. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      And beef jerky is delicious... So how do we decide whether jerkiness is good or bad? :V

      Perhaps Sir FLuffles can help :V

    4. A L

      A L

      Sir Fluffles is as useful as the damn fox :V :P

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