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Detective Conan World

Rukia Kurosaki

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Everything posted by Rukia Kurosaki

  1. I've never read it, but I heard about it from the teacher in charge of my club. It sounded really good. Going to be reading Catch 22 for my AP Lit. summer assignment.
  2. This is so weird... In the anime I'm writing, my character meets someone she knew when she was a kid. He has orange hair, and the last time they were supposed to meet, he'd been kept away. She only finds out later that it was someone else's fault. And now my best friend from 8th grade is going to my school, has dyed his hair orange, and was prevented from meeting me the last time we would've seen each other...

    1. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      Weird, considering I wasn't planning on ever seeing him or talking to him again...

    2. AiSuigetsu


      :oo that's so cool thou! like foreseeing the future without realizing

    3. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      i guess. ^.^" I didn't know it was him when he first got here, even though I suspected it, cuz I didn't want to ask and be wrong... T-T

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  3. When you see him around and as you glance at him, he's turning away like he wasn't looking, or asks if it's okay to sit near you when there are other emptier places. HOPEFULLY he's not following you, though. THAT gets annoying... I'm talking to you, Danny...
  4. Hey guys. You might have played my 'hug poke or high five' game before. This one is pretty similar, only instead of replying to the person above you with one of those three, you use an exaggerated anime reaction, like: *falls off chair* or *heart eyes* or *soul flies away* You can use any reaction you've seen in anime, and gifs or images of the actions can be used too, but it would be better if emoticons weren't used, since there's probably a game for that. Mkay, let's start the game~
  5. Mkay, I'll go investigate strawberries, then.

  6. Mkay, I'll go investigate strawberries, then.

  7. *gives an impel down buggy action figure*
  8. Hey Kii-san, nice to meet ya~ Here in DCW, we're all a bit mad, so you should feel right at home amongst our detectives and murderers. See you in the forums.
  9. Feeling really random right now, so excuse me if I make a ridiculous joke~

  10. I see I am the first to respond here. Fine by me. Any fan of One Piece is a friend of mine~ Just a warning, a lot of us are murderous here, so please decline any offering of food or water. (or cold medicine, for that matter) See you in the forums, Luffy-san~ *salutes*
  11. Why thank you. *gives a pair of pants*
  12. *high fives* (because you like One Piece) ^^
  13. Took a couple of index cards and drew up an entry. Figured I'd show different expressions and angles, too. I gave him wings just because I felt like he needed them in his fighting form. (no idea why)
  14. Hell yeah! Epic Anime and movie. I liked the Death Note one too, but only because L actually looked like himself. The stories and stuff were lame. Detective Conan I only cared for the Showdown with the Black Organization one. I watched all the movies and tried the drama series, but they weren't so great. And Ouran I only saw a little, but it seems pretty similar to the anime. I want to see a live action Hetalia movie. -w-
  15. He was talking about IRL. Shut your face, Barokata.
  16. And apparently, so does cake. lol just thought of a zim reference. "The dib, the dib! I don't care how delicious he is, he's evil!"

  17. And apparently, so does cake. lol just thought of a zim reference. "The dib, the dib! I don't care how delicious he is, he's evil!"

  18. Welcome to the World from which none return... sometimes.... I'm Natake, and I'm the sarcastic member who is usually busy making jokes and cases. I also make up nicknames for everyone. I'll call you Mitsutei-san. Here's a welcome gift I hope you like pandaaaas~ Now, here's a couple of members you may not have heard of, but you need to know about: - Shira-san (IdentityUnknown): A friendly and kind member who you should become friends with. ~ Ahokata (Anokata-kun): Steer clear of him in the forums; He's murderous, but sometimes fun to talk to. Rarely on. - Kurakuma (Black Demon): Well, you've most likely heard of this one... Kura's awesome, just sayin' ~ Detsu-chan (Kaitou Kid Legendary Thief): She's just completely awesome, and a great friend to have. - Soju-san (Balthazar): Secretly a member of the Black Organization. Also awesome.
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