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Detective Conan World

Rukia Kurosaki

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Everything posted by Rukia Kurosaki

  1. Darn. I was kinda thinking it could be like Kyuu from Tantei Gakuen Q...

  2. the name kyuu: Did you make it up or pick it from an anime?

  3. Oi, Aka-chan. How're you? ^^

  4. The three main characters are basically myself and my two friends but with different names, and we live in the 1500's. The group becomes a pirate crew and travels the world. Tons of sarcastic jokes and stuff get put in.

  5. Not really. My friends and I have been busy. I'm scripting a web comic we're going to voice over and post on youtube eventually.

  6. I never have time... -_- It sucks

  7. You used the best Skrillex song... you officially rock. ^^
  8. Where did you get your username from?

  9. I spilled boiling water on my hand the other day... Now my mom won't let me cook... TT_TT

    1. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      It's healed up now, so I made potstickers. Muahaha~

    2. Detective Conan Fan 3491
    3. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      I wouldn't laugh if I were you. I made... EVIL POTSTICKERS muahahaha:D

    4. Show next comments  369 more
  10. I know... Ran never thinks to use her karate or common sense... TT _ TT
  11. I send it from Black Organization headquarters, after which Gin hunts you down for having information. vocaloid
  12. Thanks everybody for saying happy birthday. ^_^ I still don't have my driver's permit. XD

  13. Anokata's voice comes out. Put in a hershey kiss chocolate.
  14. Ohayo Gozaimasu, Ksu-san.

  15. *Pokes with jello held in my chopsticks*
  16. Don't worry about it. ^^

  17. I did a little research, and apparently, Claire's carries glasses similar to Fury from FMA, which seem to be almost like Conan's. I don't know if that's true or available for modifications. Sorry.
  18. Hey. Enjoy the random world of Detective Conan. Watch out though. A few of us are a bit off our rockers. I'm not naming anyone.. *cough* Par-kun *cough* Ahokata. Sorry. Wow, this is the longest welcome I've done... Your nickname with me shall be, An-san.
  19. A fortune predicting the reveal of Conan's true identity comes out. A calculator in.
  20. Norimaki. I despise seaweed wrappers. But Salmon Nigiri with gari is amazing.
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