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Detective Conan World

Rukia Kurosaki

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Everything posted by Rukia Kurosaki

  1. How are ya? (And you're back to James staring into people's souls :D)

  2. Epicness... I love the version where he's talking about helping the old lady find the theater. "Welcome to the 'Brine?' Street Theater! Have a fruit roll up. Aren't ya gonna eat it?! Oh, for Chrissake!" XD I would probably buy every detective conan dvd and set, and travel the world going to cosplay cons. Also, I'd help find a cure for diabetes, so my sister wouldn't need insulin shots anymore. ^^
  3. Anokata-kun. He's lucky I haven't killed him yet. Most likely to buy a tranquilizer watch.
  4. What? It's just Bakaito-kun. XD *Waves* Hi~
  5. Double postage. XD Conan, then Camel, FTW.
  6. Posters are epicly fun to make, and I just recently found out that I could make 'em without special software. I'll post a link to the site later if you want. ^^
  7. Sorry. Had to leave for store.

  8. Other than your status, how are ya, Aori?

  9. Yesss. *Wakes ya up with a poke* ^_^

  10. Don't worry 'bout it. Gad, I hadn't realized it's been that long since I said hi to you.

    So... HIYA K-CHAN! XD

  11. hey. Sorry, I had to get offline. No warning. -_- Back for a while.

  12. Most anime themes, Rock, a little pop, and orchestral music. As long as it's not country, religious, rap, or full of obscene language and references, I'll give it a chance. Piano FTW (Into the Dark is amazingness)
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