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Detective Conan World

Rukia Kurosaki

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Everything posted by Rukia Kurosaki

  1. Yeah, and I don't know why.. Hey. ^_^

  2. *Poke with the muzzle of my revolver* D
  3. Haha. I got Dusty Skydiving Class, and drew a dust bunny using a tattered parachute that was also the 'D' XD Gotta go. Bye *Waves*

  4. Good. Just finished my 3rd week. Have to go. Bye.

  5. Hey Kaijikku-san. ^_^ I'm good. But I have to go...

  6. Our art class is the strangest but most successful in the state high schools. We were given an adjective and noun and told to draw an icon for a company offering that.

  7. My dad: "You're reading that Japanese crap again..." Me: "I enjoy it." Dad: "You should read something at your level and educational." Me: "I've read three Agatha Christie books this week "
  8. An anime fan, a fan of irony, and one who for some reason enjoys seeing the main characters have to get their butts saved XD

  9. I'm good. ^_^ Had a zoology test today, but thinkin' I aced it.

  10. Hai? *Pokes ya* How've ya been?

  11. You aren't a diehard yaoi fangirl or anything, though. *Shudders at the thought*

  12. Only if you're not evil or an insane fangirl XD

  13. I have the same criticism on face structure, but.... Eisuke = KAWAII <3 REPNESS!
  14. Thanks for adding me, Seiko-chan.

  15. Looking for interesting places to post, and chatting with my DCW buds. :D

  16. Thank you for the add. ^_^

  17. At least I got to see you one last time. You find out that your best friend has terminal skin cancer.
  18. And a new pokemon profile pic... ^_^

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