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Detective Conan World

Rukia Kurosaki

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Everything posted by Rukia Kurosaki

  1. Jeff, it's not like real life can measure up to anime anyway xD Good luck finding someone irl who's worth trusting/loving. And ohoho, who's this hetero-crush of yours? Another celebrity? Though you do seem to prefer fem guys or masculine girls, so I'll guess it's someone from college, huh?
  2. "He couldn't die, even if he was killed." or "I love you." xP What's your favorite musical?
  3. Love, Actually. (Gotta love British Rom-Coms with great casting~)
  4. Going to change my display name sometime around Christmas... What should it be this time? oo

    1. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      Dammit, you're back? Get back 'ere!

    2. A L

      A L

      You're not alone, when the lights to out at night, when L starts to fight, you're not alone :P

    3. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      *bursts out laughing* No rhyming in my status, dammit. xDD

      You're making it hard to kill my butler xP

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  5. Happy birthday, Ryuu-kun~ <3

    1. Rukia Kurosaki
    2. - Ryuuji -

      - Ryuuji -

      I've been busy lately I guess. Hbu? :D

      Ill be on more now (:

    3. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      A combo of bored/busy~

      Sweet. ^^

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  6. Within five minutes Garnet had vacated the charred lightning room and found a water chamber she could get into. Torn between wondering and hoping, she closed her eyes and dropped her fists at her side, trying to relax and pull together a column of water. After a minute she opened one eye cautiously to see a small puddle on the floor. "That's it?" she sighed. There had to be a way to call the element... She'd only received a few lessons in use and control of magic, and that was two years ago, from a classmate at her first boarding school. Her tutor had soon transferred to Gretchen High, and she'd aspired since to join his school and learn to use her mana correctly. And now she was here. Of course, the parental signature on her transfer forms was forged, and she'd never met the admissions counselor, but she felt nonetheless that she'd succeeded. Now it was time to learn... Staring with narrowed eyes at the pool of water, Garnet willed it to expand. Slowly, the liquid heeded her, and using a combination of gesture and thought, she extended the form, stretching it into the column she'd desired. Now, to- "Sneaking into the practice hall after hours, eh? I should report you to the Prez, newbie." Garnet spun swiftly, and yellow eyes met red as the liquid formation collapsed, splashing her bare feet with cold water. "My name's Garnet!" she snapped, aware of the destruction of her spell. "An' I could report the same about you!" Johannes' eyes glittered, and he gave a broad smirk, replying, "I don't think you could. I was being of use and patrolling the halls when a disruption caught my attention. I followed the sounds, and here you were with one room defaced and already onto another. So you tell me, Garnet... What shall I do about this?" The tall boy ran a hand through his silver ponytail, looking past his first-year classmate at the remnants of her spell. "It ain't against school rules ta practice magic," Garnet argued, frowning. Johannes nodded and looked back at her, chuckling, "You look different without all that eyeliner. Less... emo, is it called?" He looked thoughtful for a moment despite his dismissal of the issue at hand. Garnet gaped at him, shaking her head. "Are ya even listenin' ta me, Hannes!?" "Hannes, eh? I haven't been called that since my Shamus Academy days. This short ginger girl was always... Oh hey there, Ginge!" Ginge?! "S'cuse me fer sayin' this, but you're not exactly the teachin' type... The hell happened?" Johannes grinned, patting the short girl on the head. "Well, here I was allowed to use magic as much as I needed, and the classes are super easy, so I decided to become the class clown. I always wanted to do something important, so here I am. I guess you're finally out of the clutches of Mrs. Anti-magic?" Garnet shrugged, grumbling, "Not really. When I turn 18 I'm none of 'er business, so I gotta train up 'ere 'til then. After that, I'm gonna try ta get a diploma 'ere an' maybe study mana in college... Too bad my gang-mates ain't mana users... I kinda miss 'em. But lessee, you're what, secretary o' the council er somethin'?" Johannes shook his head, sighing, "I'm merely President of the student-run Anime club... We'll have to catch up sometime, but for now I think you've got some water to worry about." He grinned and started walking away as a confused Garnet turned. As the two moved, the water that had been suspended above her dropped, soaking Garnet from head to shoulders. "Dammit, quit it with the annoyin' pranks!" Pulling together the moisture from her clothing and hair, she raised a hand at the retreating Johannes, snapping her fingers just before the mass of moisture flew at his back. With an amused snicker, the club president turned, grumbling, "I was going to help you with those elements you suck at, but never mind, Ginge." "My name is freakin' Garnet!" ((Got bored, so I decided Johann and Garn know each other pre-magic school. :V Anybody stuck on what to do until the clash with the spirits, characters and npcs are welcome to join in the practice hall. And I was thinkin' the same thing as Nara about teamwork. Think how strong a combined physical and magical attack with multiple casts of every element would be against a Forbidden Spirit **))
  7. Philly cheese steak... or a good song to listen to.
  8. I haven't any, though the closest I suppose would be Pistanthrophobia, maybe. :V
  9. Ahahahahahahaha- no. 5 feet and 2 inches of nope~ xD The person below me is... into shipping?
  10. I read the first volume of Kitchen Princess back when I wanted to be a Patissier. xD It was too shoujo for me, but I still use the flan recipe from the back of the book. xD
  11. “Everyone's a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” - Once again, Einstein~
  12. I like playing Clue and winning every time thanks to my strategy~ xD
  13. If it weren't Amontillado it would be Fino. I still like Poire Williams for Bourbon when he's crossdressing xP
  14. People chewing with their mouths open. I'm already OCD and hypersensitive to touch, smell, and sound, don't make those disgusting noises while you eat. I don't need to hear your food. =n= I can't eat near that either.
  15. Eh, a high five for Ring-chan~ :< Prepare to feel my wrath... Meh. *poke in the face*
  16. Paranormal Activity 4 - - (didn't watch the first 3, but I assume they're all as un-scary and lame as this one.) :< Kundun. (freeeeee Tibeeeeeeet~~)
  17. My friend wants me to come over so she can play Slender. Apparently my presence is supposed to man her up xD

    1. PhiBrainChild


      I've only played "Penumbra: Black Plague", so I don't know 'bout the other two parts, but I was surprised a bit from a couple of things that I've seen.

    2. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      Black Plague? Now I've gotta try it. xD

    3. PhiBrainChild


      Make sure to write your opinion 'bout it. I'm interested.

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  18. I'm the oldest (and shortest) in my crew, and the only one with short hair, and I get called fluffy. -_-"
  19. Can I point out cliches in my own fanfiction? xD I'll add why I and others use 'em too, I guess. 1- The end of the black org/the unmasking of anokata as a known/loved character. (I continue the Org as a Crooked House faction in Silence, but I wanted to give the story that conclusion that everyone hopes for whenever the baddies in black pop up. I think most fanfiction authors who use this are just impatient for an ending and want to put out their suspicions/hopes on the ending.) 2- Temporary Apotoxin cures. (I didn't want to use a permanent one, as I see it as too oft tied into the former cliche, leaving no loose ends to tie in a too convenient conclusion. I had Haibara give one begrudgingly while the other was a hidden find, but I find them to be convenient ways out for Conan/Shinichi in a lot of fanfiction situations.) 3- New Black Org members/detectives/tie-ins to known characters. OCs, basically. (Erru is one of my favorite OCs. Fiery, sarcastic, strong-willed, and generally in some way aligned with the darker side of the subject matter, I use her to give fanfictions my own twist. I stay away from Canon x OC romance, or romance in general unless it's requested by readers, hence Erru's forever alone xD A lot of 'fangirl' types use OCs as a way of fantasizing that they're with their favorite character/anime love, and others want to use a type of person who just isn't in the canon. Quite a few readers seem to steer clear of anything with OCs, but I never write without them anymore~) 4- Dark turned to light. (True, my reveal of Amuro as a police officer and former ally of Shuuichi and Erru may have been predictable, but I wanted it that way. Gin is a great character, but I couldn't see him betraying the org. to save someone or protect a 'friend.' It's awkward when characters with deep-seated mental issues or obviously ill intentions are forced to undergo a change of heart, but sometimes, with more ambiguous characters, it can be fun/rewarding. I like Bourbon's character, and wanted to use him in Silence as more than an opponent, and wanted to see what I could do with his deceitful nature. And so he's now crossdressing alongside Erru in another syndicate xD I believe a lot of writers have characters they love who are just not on the right side of the law, and to justify their affection, they portray said character as a changed person.) 5- Ran/Kogoro/Detective Boys/Ai in danger. (Quite a few people dislike some or all of these characters, and put them in danger to show them as helpless or unnecessary, or to appease their own hopes of their removal from the cast. Others want to spur Conan/Shinichi into action and use the people he loves, which also casts his enemy in a sinister light and makes you push for the detective despite what you may feel about his extensive lies regarding his identity. I used pseudo-danger, the assumption that the first two were threatened or could be, to get Shinichi to participate in what later twisted into the showdown with Anokata, which he wouldn't have reached without having gotten involved in the issue. I've seen stories in which these dangers are utilized to create a time-limit for our detective, which keeps the readers' hearts racing even throughout monologues and explanations that now serve to draw us closer to the conclusion that is definite. And a definite conclusion, which we lack from Aoyama, is irresistible to many. ) This is my experience/thought. Carry on. xD
  20. Avi: 5... It's hard to love a zubat... o___o Signature: 12. So many sayings, it redeems some of the lacklustre of having a zubat staring at you while reading it...
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