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Detective Conan World

Rukia Kurosaki

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Everything posted by Rukia Kurosaki

  1. He's Ano-chan, Barokata, or Ahokata, depending on whether we're battling at the moment. XD
  2. Hey Ai-chan. ^_^ Can I call you Shimida-chan now?

  3. A two finger salute is my gesture of farewell as well. (Making up nicknames is my favorite thing on here, other than writing cases and battling Ahokata)
  4. Sorry Extremely late reply DX. The internet at my grandma's house just started to work again.

  5. Wow. Our house is one floor and an attic. At my grandma's you seriously hear people talking when everybody's asleep. ^_^"

  6. Sort of. ^_^ Their house is creeeepy at night, though.

  7. Yeah. I could seriously walk to their house instead of mine after school and only take a couple more minutes.

  8. Well, we weren't before, but when we moved here 8 years ago we got a house 5 minutes away from theirs, so we hang out there a lot.

  9. Good. Hung out with my sis, and we're going to grandma's house later to spend the night.

  10. I just put in my signature and for some reason imagined Ano-kun as Gin in the last one. *Shudder* I better pratice my judo throw some more.

    1. Sherlock Lupin

      Sherlock Lupin

      So could the guys I know IRL, and one of them IS a black belt.

    2. Rukia Kurosaki
    3. -The Rising Angel-

      -The Rising Angel-

      I can teach you some moves

    4. Show next comments  429 more
  11. Alright. ^_^ How's your weekend?

  12. Neither. Both are equally disgusting and pointless. It would be fine if they were cute stories, but the amount of explicit material makes it so that I won't even try to find an innocent one.
  13. DCW's Kindaiju-san. (If you can deduce what this name means you get a rep. Hint: It's related as an opposite effect of your post.
  14. The story looked way longer when I was typing it out. " Curse you, format! *Grin* Thanks, Kurakuma-san.
  15. That's good.

    Also, XD, most of my rfiends do at first. :D

  16. DX I hate the user rating thing! No matter how many times I hit 5, it stays at three stars. DXXX

  17. Granted. Now anyone can hear everything you're thinking. I wish football games weren't such a big deal at my school.
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