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Detective Conan World

Rukia Kurosaki

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Everything posted by Rukia Kurosaki

  1. How do you know I'm not already? What would you do if you were pulled into the world of your least favorite anime?
  2. My Anonymous Pet, After 5 years, I will miss you. I can't deny that I cried in the end, when I'd already decided I wouldn't. In the end I got to hold you, and that's enough. But it's not truly the end for us. I wish you luck and rebirth as something you love, and a new life free of suffering. Perhaps you can meet your brother again. Thinking of you, Your Personal Perch and Provider. On a less sappy note, Anon #2, Help me out, man. >< I'm no good with this kinda thing. I can give advice all day, but I'll never take the initiative. - Your Sempai
  3. Uhhhh.... *tries to think of Shoujo manga* Pretty sure Story of Saiunkoku is shoujo. From what I got at the library it's basically a rom-com with some cliche drama. Oh, I have one I like! Library Wars! If that counts. *shrug* I mostly read shounen/seinen. oo
  4. Yeah, I always do pencil. I don't have software/equipment/experience in digital drawing. Sometimes I trace my lines in sharpie before coloring to prevent smears, but generally I sketch everything in mechanical pencil :V
  5. Argh, triple-posting. x x But I have so much new stuff to post~ Mamoru and Anya are two characters from Pirates. Anya is the daughter of our only (so far) married pair, and Mamoru was adopted by Edwin.
  6. Aaaand, Gillian's design~ Decided against the longer, stringier hair for her. It's gotta be short and swoopy xP Also changed her left eye back to green. I figured the bionics could use extra upgrading.
  7. My new favorite character, Kaius Venn~ Chief Kaius actually has pink hair, which conflicts with his inherent manliness, so I like messing with him xP He's Gillian's partner and also awesome despite his girly hair. I love the one on the left x3
  8. Add garlic. That shall fix it xP What would you do if everything you said became permanently etched in people's memories?
  9. Birthday, birthday... I once had a party with the 2 people I didn't really like. One gave me a video game I already had, and the other gave me a box of candy that she later ate. The girl spent the night and was talking about Sims the whole time. And my grandma bought the wrong pizza. But that was just lame~ Here's the worst. I was hugged. :V Multiple times by different people I'm not related to. Will DC ever end? xP
  10. (I'm always up for a fight :V I don't really have any npc ideas, but Garnet's the restless type to wander off and look for a fight anywho~ Maybe I'll insert an oc of mine.) "FRESHMEN! Sit over here! You are the special people here! Over here, at the front!" Great, separation by year. This was going to be a pain. Garnet flopped onto a bench-style seat, looking around. She'd lost Misaki, Devin, and Aster, but then again, maybe she hadn't been walking with them at all... Taking a tray offered by a third year about her own age, the girl grinned. Finally, somethin' ta eat! She scarfed the egg tart without tasting it, leaving a green salad untouched as she listened to student speakers drone on about school safety rules. Bored out of her mind, she began tapping her foot and playing music in her mind, singing under her breath. "One short day, in the Emerald City..." After about fifteen minutes she tired of the cafeteria and stood as though intending to head to the restroom. Instead, she slipped out of the bustling cafeteria and wandered into a more interesting area. She hadn't noticed the forest before, but now it was all but calling. Tightening the straps of her backpack, she ambled about the area until the red of sunset glowed over the trees. With a sigh, she admitted that she should probably head back, but the school grounds weren't exactly in sight anymore. Summoning a strong flame that surrounded her as she felt an odd presence, Garnet narrowed her eyes at the shrubs and trees nearby, cursing her curiosity. If she got into something out here, there wasn't much chance of being found or helped. She could fight, but when it was over she'd still have to find a way back in the darkness. Apologizing silently for the mess her footsteps made of the singed undergrowth, Garnet jogged in what she hoped weren't circles, searching for a good tree to climb to get a view of the school. Halting quickly, she stared at Aster, who she'd nearly collided with in her haste. "You're also here? well, the more the merrier. Rouge needs all the help he can get," the boy said, earning a frown and raised eyebrow. "Rouge? What kind o' trouble did that guy get inta that 'e needs help?" Hidden from view by a conveniently placed row of trees and bushes, a tall figure smiled. These newbies could prove pretty interesting. Crossing his arms, the boy watched silently as Aster and Garnet conversed, wondering how he should introduce himself. A dramatic entrance was always fun, especially if he was saving their asses in a fight, but then again, these two didn't look like they'd be easily impressed. He'd seen both of them earlier when that second kid was attacked, and though it was odd to see newbies unfazed by something so out of place for an elite school, he was amused. Maybe I'll just wait for you to notice my tricks... But which one should I mess with...? Profile: Johannes "Loki" Weiss
  11. Well, crap... Good thing I'm immortal. = =
  12. Thanks Moho xP And I didn't know Rouge was dangerous? 00
  13. Hahaha, my friend called me 'fair maiden.' He's dead now. **

    1. A L

      A L

      polyvinyl chloride charms? o.O

    2. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      Yeah. It's fun to sneak 'em past her.

      I have a Renji pvc one and a Chappy one xP

    3. A L

      A L

      Tom Sawyer lol

    4. Show next comments  45 more
  14. You can't slay the banana dragons! They're an endangered species xP Like Usuis. Picked fire 'cause I hate the cold. And rough, since I kinda am xD
  15. Garnet frowned after Syra's answer. It was about Walpurgisnacht. She'd never read Revelations, aside from the quick glance earlier that morning. Despite Ms.Seeker's insistence that interference would have been deadly, Garn wanted to believe she could have saved Sakila. The wounds had closed, and from the outside the girl had seemed to be doing better... but some thing, some 'Mana Vampire' as Syra called it, had drained her dry of the very power of life. She was disgusted; first, that something could do that to a person. There could be no conscience. If it was like a vampire, did it eat the mana? Why would it go after a living being when there was so much trace magic floating around and pooling together? Could they not process it out of the source? Garnet wondered if animals had enough mana for a Spirit to be interested in draining them. She hoped not. Now her thoughts were once again occupied by Sakila's death. Her classmates seemed to have moved on from thinking of her, but she couldn't stop wondering how she could have helped. What if there was a way to protect people from this? But that thought died quickly. She'd need to know much more about Walpurgisnacht first. The other disgust was for herself. How could Misaki have just ignored her failure? She even asked for help learning to heal, even though her methods did absolutely nothing to save her friend. Were there people that forgiving in the world? Misaki had to be hurting, especially after the explanation of how her friend had died. But Garnet didn't know what to say to her when Sakila's blood was literally on her hands. Some had come off when they fixed the frostbite, but there was still smeared red on her fingers, shirt, and cheek. Which was actually really gross, come to think of it. She'd had other people's blood get on her before, and her own, but as soon as the fight/healing/argument with mom was over, she took a hot as hell shower and scrubbed. Now her brain was off on a tangent about how gross it was that she hadn't scoured it away yet. The girl had planned to ask to go wash up when Syra returned with the tea, but she was interrupted by Devin's shooing the tray and carrier away. "Unless that's Earl Gray with a single sprig of cinnamon and authentic oil of bergamot, then I'm not touching it. Not that I'd trust you with making my drink even if it was." He wasn't even looking at the girl. And what the hell was authentic oil of bergamot? When Syra approached her, Garnet stuck her tongue out at Devin and took a cup. She really didn't drink tea, but she wasn't about to let the tray go back full and waste the work. She sniffed the liquid in the cup, wondering what kind of tea it was, but she'd only ever had green and chai, so there wasn't much way to identify it. Taking a sip and immediately frowning, she listened to Devin talk on, this time to the teacher, and decided to just take a long shower when they were excused. "It would make perfect sense if the said Walpurgis Night would originate here. The entire school is abound with magic and mana. Spirits would be naturally drawn to here... that is if it's really spirits that are the real culprits. This might be too far-fetched but we can't discount the fact that it might be an inside job." Devin said. Garnet frowned. That could explain a lot... But why would spirits feel the need to leave the messages? Why would they want the school to know that this event, this Walpurgisnacht, that had been foretold and named by Ein, was beginning? Would they even know that Revelations existed? It didn't make sense for the creatures so impossible to capture or even see to call attention to themselves with blood-written notes. "He has a point," she mumbled, still drinking the tea that she didn't much care for. "Now let's brief you on what you're going to do as Ms. Seeker's assistants!" Oh, joy... Garnet hoped they'd each have individual duties. As much as she wanted to try to comfort Misaki, who'd been pretty quiet the whole time, she didn't want to have a team assignment where she needed to work well with the others. It really wasn't her thing unless it was a three-on-three fight, which she could mastermind well. Paperwork or cleaning, on the other hand, weren't things she could collaborate on. Not well, at least. She always said something honest but unnecessarily harsh, making the entire project uncomfortable. On rare occasions, her seal on her mana would slip and she'd set something on fire. That would start the downward spiral into her expulsion and... well, this was a school for magic, so she didn't need to worry about hiding her ability. And she supposed everyone was uncomfortable enough being pulled into assisting here without knowing each other. Garnet gave up caring about what she'd be assigned, simply hoping she could leave soon.
  16. Yeah, I looked at the heights in the profiles and he was like 5' 5. I actually just make my rp characters my height so I don't need to remember how tall they are, and I'm 5'2.
  17. Finally drew something new xD

    1. Kid the Phantom Thief
    2. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      I did a group pic of the characters in our IRL Round and put it up in my art thread.

      It's not great, but meh. I also started one of those mixer memes with some random characters of mine.

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