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Detective Conan World

Rukia Kurosaki

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Everything posted by Rukia Kurosaki

  1. School. This was the first week.

  2. DCW's Anokata. (You have an unknown identity, so. )
  3. Guess not. I've got my 10 year old sis to watch DC with and act out stories with though.

  4. I can only play videogames and stuff on the weekends, and 6:00 sunday night is the cutoff where I have to turn off my games and stuff.

  5. Yeah. Glad you like the name. I love making up random names for people.
  6. Not sure. There's agroup I sit with at lunch who I don't really talk to. (Knew them in middle school) There's my female friends from drama and other classes who I speak with in class. Then there's the dudes I hang out with in the courtyard before school. I don't talk to any of them outside of school, so I don't know how 'friendly' they'd be considered.

  7. Cool. (At least it's not sunday XD)

  8. Ren is from Irene. It's a nickname I made up.
  9. Pretty cool. AP US History is going to be a hard class though. The chorus teacher honestly acts more like a teenager than me. XD

  10. It's about 9:30 here. What about where you live?

  11. *High fives Ren-chan* XD *Laughs at Par-kun*
  12. Great. ^_^ The first week of school is done, so I have the weekend to be on here. <3

  13. I'm really glad you guys like it. I know my dad doesn't get the story (Or my fascination with Japan and anime) but I got worried for a while about the audience I'm writing for. I hope the publisher feels the same. *Dreads sending the manuscript*
  14. Going around talking to my friends on here. It's friday night, so I get to stay up on DCW for a while. <3

  15. Agh. The first week of school, and I already had a test and essay in AP Lang.

    1. Wildheart888


      Ohhhhh...nice!! Really? I hated english last year...but teachers make all the difference, don't they?

    2. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      Yeah. Mrs.Smith is amazing. She seriously told us that she's evil and hates children. Her sarcasm and jokes make her my favorite teacher.

    3. Wildheart888


      xDD AWESOMEEEE~! *sigh* hope I get teachers like yours next year..or this year...

    4. Show next comments  483 more
  16. Welcome to the most epic place in the world. See ya around.
  17. I hate my computer. Every time I'm writing one the internet will fail at some point and I have to write it over with new names since I forget the originals. (I just write it when the idea comes into my head. I can't plan out anything.)

  18. Well, originally I thought of Van, then changed the kun to kyu, but it sounded too much like thank you, so I cut the obvious part of the name. ^_^ Is that one okay, or would you prefer a different name?

  19. Case File 5. It's one of the ones I have people solve on here.

  20. When you messaged me I was watching movie 6 with my sis.

  21. Do you prefer Alen-san or Rente-senpai?

  22. Sure. Call me whatever you like. (Hmm. You are Kyuu-chan.)^_^

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