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Detective Conan World

Rukia Kurosaki

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Everything posted by Rukia Kurosaki

  1. Hazelnut. ** Security or Freedom?
  2. I'm in that situation politically anyway xD I can always prove it with LOGIC POWER People start coming to you for advice in something you have no experience in.
  3. *sighhh* I don't like them touching me though. = = Especially when it's people I don't like. Then there are the comments "How often do you dye it? Are you ever going to grow it out?" No.
  4. My friends do it without permission all the time. Their excuse is "It's soft and fluffy." I don't get why everyone wants to play with it.
  5. Dear Anonymous, Don't keep me waiting. I'll walk away and go buy you some balls. - You Know Who Dear Anon Number-WhoKnows, What's with that look? I told you, I'm fine. Quit worrying, moron. You're a nuisance like this. - Your Non-infirmed Bud~
  6. Nope, two. I don't hit girls xP Guys can take it. Plus they generally deserve it. *cracks knuckles* Rye-chan again~ Hmm, I guess 1. I dunno what wintermelon tea is, but it doesn't seem appetizing~ Bored and writing shippy fanfiction, so I'll deal with my nonexistent romantic side, muahaha. L's trivia time~ 1- I consider myself to have been in love at least once before. 2- I never want children, adopted or otherwise. 3-Due to my apathy, I have trouble writing non-platonic relationships for my characters.
  7. Garnet blinked and looked at Misaki, Sakila, and Devin as a pair of footsteps echoed down the steps. "Uh, somethin' weird was goin' on up there. There was a body an' some kinda warning. It's been taped off by a guy called Vice President Rouge." She glanced at Sakila, who appeared to be coming out of her shock. "Should we get 'er somethin' to drink?" she asked, addressing Misaki. Her stomach growled loudly, and she scratched at a scar on her cheek, adding with a cough, "We STILL haven't found the lunchroom..."
  8. "Uh, okay..." Garnet took one last look at the neatly labeled tape before taking her leave. It was kind of strange that no staff had yet noticed the chaotic scene. With a sigh she led Sakila down the stairs to where Misaki and Devin were standing, listening in case the girl said something, but otherwise lost in thought. Whispers of a name... What could this student have been involved in that led to this? A 'top' school like this should be a safehaven, not to mention the profound lack of visible magic traces at the scene. Then she remembered the word scrawled on the blackboard, and the book she'd peeked at earlier that morning. Beware, huh? Could this involve Ein's forewarned Walpurgis Night? Or am I looking too far into a weird murder?
  9. Garnet stared at the council member warily before putting out her flames and taking Sakila's arm. Seriously, the one day I try and avoid trouble... "I heard a scream, an' she ran up the stairs, so I followed... I guess the student council knows everybody's last names by face?" She turned to go, adding, "C'mon Sakila, Misaki's waiting for ya."
  10. A philly cheese steak sub... That would make my day.
  11. Too late~ What would you do if you were invited to a DCW-based convention?
  12. [Hehe, sorry Banana-san, but I had a fun idea xPP For the sake of my messing with you, I'll assume Rouge touched some blood on the objects or body.] "Sakila!!!" Garnet followed the girl and the scream, rushing up the steps past fleeing first-years and rubbernecking students. Along the way her short orange hair was messed up even further by her constant bumping into others and disregard. Her boots crashed against each step until she reached the floor everyone was leaving. "Hey!" When she finally caught sight of the girl, she saw her standing stock-still with a shocked look on her face. There was a decapitated, needlessly gored-up body in the room, near a blackboard reading, "Beware." There was also a strange guy standing right in front of Sakila whom she'd glimpsed earlier, and his hands were smeared with clotted red the color of his hair. Putting events together in possibly the most conclusion-jumping way she could have, Garnet decided this weird redheaded man was a threat. Her yellow eyes narrowed at the suspicious figure. When she got close enough, she summoned flame around her hands and grabbed the arm of the unsuspecting boy, pulling him into a judo-style throw. Ignoring anything he may have said, the girl turned to her acquaintance. "Sakila, you okay?!"
  13. Dear Anonymous Bullies, It doesn't matter whether it's been months or years since you dared to tease or attack someone in my presence. Whether it was myself or another, I won't forgive it, and I won't allow it. So don't think I'll treat it like it never happened if one day you fools manage to claw your way up to a decent place in life and try to ask my aid in anything. Sir Deadbeat, if I met you on the street I would likely repay you for those teeth you knocked out of my mouth. Though I doubt by your age and my own then that I will ever see you again, if you're still alive at 23. You're lucky I switched schools before I was old enough to fight back. Monsieurs and Madams of Middle School, don't assume we're no longer enemies since I shut you up about my Atheism. Talk of hell was beyond appropriate, and I think we know who's more accomplished in life so far, as most of you dropped out by 10th grade. So when you see my face on the street or in the yearbook, don't try to converse with me about that English class we shared where you neglected to pester me about my beliefs, or your 'respect' for my constitution. High School Morons, I will gladly remind you that no one messes with me, my friends, or the random students I've never met. I hated most of you because of your prissy, judging looks and hurtful words to others, but some of you for the simple lack of intelligence that made you impossible students of common courtesy. To the dork who punched me in the solar plexus, I still haven't figured out why. To that moron who teased my ex about his orientation, remember my not so veiled threats. And finally, to the anonymous idiots who dare even now to judge foolishly and without logic, no matter who you try to whisper about behind my back, I will call you out. Be it here on the internet, in a crowded coffee shop, during a political speech, or even in a satire I write, I will ensure that no disgusting remark goes unpunished. Thanks for the mission, humanity. - Ready for a FIght
  14. [Hope ya feel better, Araide-sempai. I had the stomach flu yesterday, which meant no DCW, so I know how ya feel. @@ ] Garnet scratched her head and waited, but once again was interrupted by Devin before getting an answer from Misaki. The bothered young man tapped her on the shoulder and outstretched both of his arms to show her his singed hands once more. "You were talking about a 'burn cream'?" Devin asked. His voice was a bit odd, as though he'd never heard of nor used such a thing. Then again, judging by his complexion and reaction to her prank, she supposed he likely hadn't. "Do it for me. I don't know what is the correct process of putting such low-grade sounding substance onto my pristine skin. Maybe then I'll let this entire ordeal pass.... Maybe." The orange-haired tomboy sighed, taking a tube of burn relief ointment from her bag. To show the result of use, she peeled the bandage from her right hand, showing off a faded pink mark. "This one's fresh from this mornin'..." She then lifted her sleeve to point out a barely visible mark across her shoulder. "There used ta be no skin there, but after a few months it's fine." Garnet gave a grin, then realized Devin expected her to put the ointment on his hands for him. "Tch, you're just sheltered and pampered, aren'tcha?" The boys hands looked clean enough despite the off-coloring of the minor burns, so she applied the cream and took a couple of spare stick-on bandages from her left pocket, attaching them over the burns with a practiced precision. "There ya go, good as new!" she announced, giving Devin's hands a light slap. "By the way, my name ain't Barbaric or nothin'. It's Garnet, thanks very much, Mr.Face Mask."
  15. # 3's the lie xP I own a few volumes of different ones, no full sets, but a few. Of course I'll say number 1 on yours. You can't exactly think that if one of the others is a lie~ 1- I hate my brother. 2- I have no qualms hitting a girl. 3- I'm actually a sucker for beautiful music.
  16. (( Sorry I wasn't on yesterday. I wasn't able to do much of anything... Here's hoping I can eat today xD)) Garnet frowned. She was waiting for the snappish guy to apologize, but his glare didn't soften at her explanation. Grinding her teeth, the short girl looked past Devin at a commotion on the stairs as two students began to plummet down toward them. Oh, crap... Misaki, the girl who'd offered to help her out, leapt forward and stood behind Devin, holding her arms out to try and catch them. But she was a bit skinny to halt that much mass and force, and like large, breathing dominoes, everyone fell in a heap on the ground. Garnet held her ground until the impact, figuring she could break the fall a bit for the others. She wouldn't have to tell anyone that she'd had time to get out of the way, so she'd just look like she hadn't noticed, which was good for her rep. Crash! It was with a pained groan that Garnet realized the ground was very uncomfortable when you were under four other people. "Sorry!" a girl yelled from the top of the pile. She felt the weight of at least a couple people lifted, and with a sigh she opened her eyes, finding herself staring Devin in the face. Get the hell off me, I will break that annoying face... "Don't mind me just... carry on with your girlfriend." The other boy said. Devin stood and looked at him, and Garnet leapt up and away from him, rubbing her back and glaring at Devin as he replied to Aster's jibe. "I'll have you know that is this barbaric creature is not my girlfriend." To Garn's amusement, Devin's hair began sticking out like those she'd zapped with full static earlier. She was surprised to see Aster add, "I suppose you are too prestigious to hold any manners. Don't worry, if you use your money right you'll be able get a psychologist." Good, she wasn't the only one who couldn't stand the guy's disrespectful nature. But she hadn't had a chance to snap back at Devin for calling her barbaric, and the two kept going with their argument. "Is that a threat? expect a formal filed complaint you, you disgusting vile-" "I can only suppose your mother taught you such words to address her like that." "Don't talk about my mother, filth." "She was filth?" "Tch..." These two were getting on her nerves. It was okay to argue, but when you started talking about other people's parents, it was time to shut up... Not that she'd defend her own if they came up, but at least she used to respect them. "Now now," Garnet started. "If the both o' ya don' shut the hell up," She smashed her fist into an open palm and crackled her knuckles, summoning a small flame to emphasize her threat. "I was hearing some very loud noises all day, and I come here and realize you five were the source. I see you intend to cause trouble on the very first day." The young man brushed his blue hair, then stared coldly at the five students. Garnet put her flame out and frowned, staring at the odd, blue-haired man. "I believe you understand what this means? I want you present in my chambers before dinner. I would like a word with all of you, and we will discuss disciplinary measures then." The young man began to walk away, then stopped. "And before you consider doing so, don't 'ditch' this appointment. Otherwise, I do predict that you will have," and the man stopped, turned around and waved his hand. Frost began to gather in the room. The temperature of the air began to fall. "A very chilly reception to Gretchen High." The man then walked away and was gone. She'd stayed still and silent during the man's speech, but once he'd walked away, Garnet started pacing furiously. Just great!! The one thing I wanted to avoid on my first day! It would be a disaster if she got in trouble again, because this school was supposed to be her last transfer, and if her mother found out what she was fooled into signing her off to, she'd never be allowed to use magic or leave the house again... "Ah, this sucks!!!" Tugging at her hair, Garnet tried to figure out how to explain herself, but nothing came to mind. With a sigh, she dropped the thoughts and looked at Misaki, who was talking to her again. "So... Miss," Misaki said, turning to Garn. "Do you still want to know where the cafeteria is? Saki and I can show you if you'd like." Garnet was about to answer when the other girl shouted, "Ah! Misa-chaaaaaaaaan!!!!!!!!" She grabbed the taller girl by her wrists and pulled her into an embrace. Garnet stood back, a bit weirded out. "I couldn't find you anywhere!! I know you told me you would text me, but I dropped my phone in a pond on the way here and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get the extra water to seep out between the cracks so I could spark it back to life and I was hoping you could help me when my sister told me to get some peanut butter on the way to drop off at grandma's house and then I--" "It's okay, I'll help. Here, let's help this girl get to the cafeteria, first, ok?" "Oh! Yes! Yes! Hi, my name is Sasaki Saki! You can call me Saki! I haven't visited the campus grounds in a long time and some of the buildings have been remodeled so I'm sorry if I can't lead you properly! But I think I remember the general layout. And the cafeteria should be in this direction. But I really suggest you should buy something from the pizzeria on the other side of the hall. Bring your boyfriend, too! Except he can't come!" Sakila paused her speech to point to Aster, before continuing. "But everyone else is welcome! In fact, it's my treat! Dad gave me some extra money so I could treat Misa-chan to dinner tonight, but I think I have enough for that in my piggy bank. I should go check, just in case! Ah! But I left my things in the office, so I'll be back! Meanwhile, I think you guys..." "Wait, what?" Garnet glanced at the others, then back at Sakila, who was already skipping up the stairs. "I do NOT have a boyfriend, Saki!!!" she called angrily. But the girl hadn't heard, and Garnet sighed grumpily, cracking her back and neck. "Sorry, uh, Misa, was it? Should we wait for Saki?" she asked Misaki.
  17. Nope, it was 1 xD Hm, I'm gonna say 2~ 1- I'm not in college yet. 2- My IQ is between 130 and 150 3- I don't own any manga yet.
  18. [haha, all in good fun, sempai xP] Garnet did not like being turned around. She also didn't like the face and voice that greeted her as she was spun. He started rambling about his products, and it took the girl a minute to realize that her lightning jolt had succeeded in giving the priss a couple minor burns. It was with a grin she rolled her eyes at his speech before patting him on the shoulder like a child, an action she knew would bother him. "Listen, I don't know what a D&G is, and I don't think I care about your dainty little 'digits.' If ya hadn't slammed the door in my face I might not have zapped ya. Plus I've already made two enemies and I'm hungry, so I ain't in the best mood. I'd say sorry, but then again I don't take well to bein' called insolent. Or a young lady for that matter." After she was finished talking, Garnet kept her hand on his shoulder, ready to zap his clothes next if he wanted a fight. With a frown, she changed her mind and dropped her arm. What happened to no fights on day 1? If mom hears about this, she's bound to find out this place teaches magic... Putting on a look too neutral for her mood, she added, "If you wash your hands and put on a burn cream, they should be fine." The orange-haired tomboy held her hands out palm-up, showing of an array of faded pink scars and the fresh one from that morning's flame problem. "This is after usin' the bargain stuff, so your D&G whatever should do the trick." She glanced at Misaki, who she hadn't heard directions from due to the interruption, then sighed.
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