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Detective Conan World

Rukia Kurosaki

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Everything posted by Rukia Kurosaki

  1. Thanks. Is the Holmes' Revelation your favorite DC arc?

  2. Do you have a favorite console?

  3. The whole battling dragons idea. Being able to take on a huge monster rather than a few Nords sounds epic. ^_^

  4. 3 months and 4 days until Skyrim. ^_^

  5. Cool profile picture.

  6. I kept trying to open the page between youtube videos. I'm good. You?

  7. It's a fandub of the anime Naruto that was made to make fun of the series.

  8. I'm watching the Naruto Abridged series between posts, and it's so ridculous that it's funny. ^_^

  9. They started putting the stunt double in a few rounds in when he got tired, too.

  10. It isn't. It's a way of dodging the question, an essential skill for anyone with a future in marketing, business, or politics.
  11. Didn't you notice the epicly long commercial breaks? He just goes to the chiropractor between rounds.

  12. Hmm. I never see matches anymore, so my oldschool fave is still sting.

  13. Ah. Do you have a favorite?

  14. The WWE stuff that I liked before my Uncle told me it was fake? Or real wrestling?

  15. I like investigating anything that seems out of the ordinary.
  16. Yo. I've been meaning to ask, what's your profile picture from?

  17. 7.56483392834~ XD Dare You to Move
  18. Hey, I'm back. Message me when you get on and see this, thanks. ^_^

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