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Detective Conan World

Rukia Kurosaki

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Everything posted by Rukia Kurosaki

  1. Maybe, but I think they've shut up after their last visit when my dad held his pistol behind his back... Kidding, he only does that when there is someone he doesn't recognize knocking on the door. (No one in their right mind would break into our house)

  2. Like a year. But my data got erased a few months ago and I had to start a new game.

  3. Yeah, it's the other other other white meat. XD.

  4. I like how you did her hair and clothes.
  5. I know. My dad said we should just move somewhere with none, but leaving after 8 years here before I finish high school wouldn't be fair.

  6. Hey Sherlock-chan. Nice to meet you.
  7. Yeah. But sometimes it seems to rain just enough that you can't mow the lawn, and then the homeowners' association yells at you for the grass being a quarter inch too high. ~

  8. Some random pork dish and some pineapple.

  9. Like two hours. It's almost 4:30 here.

  10. I don't get to eat any till dinner.

  11. "Since long before these childred were born, I have been... in love with you." - Shiraatori to Kobayashi-sensei
  12. It stopped already. (Curse you, Florida weather patterns!)

  13. I just got back from the grocery store. Yays, I got peanut butter ice cream ^_^

    (We rarely buy sweets)

  14. Nothing new. But it's raining here. ^_^

    (That sounds so freakin' random)

  15. Hey Parkur. What's up?

  16. A club would be awesome, but one at my school wouldn't happen. (They won't even let us start an anime club)

  17. I want to meet all my friends, and all the people who I will become friends within the future.
  18. I get to go out for chinese food with my little sister.
  19. It isn't as complex a message as it might seem. One part tells who attacked him, and another tells who else and why they did. (Hint: One of the keys is the second kanji's interpretation)
  20. Well, I'm a mystery addict/ deduction freak, so I'm always looking for author and character names and stuff. Awesome picture, btw. :)

  21. So you're a Sherlockian, then?

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