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Detective Conan World

Rukia Kurosaki

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Everything posted by Rukia Kurosaki

  1. I started a Harvest Moon fanfiction on FF.net that readers really seem to like. :D I'm finally getting okay at pairing people without feeling awkward xD In other news, my Rukia cosplay for Shadocon turned out really well, though Sean Schemmel didn't get it. xD

    1. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      That's not what he said, Mr. Kira xPP

    2. A L

      A L

      xPP shush Ms. L

    3. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      I don't think I will, Mr. Banana.

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  2. The stoplight they had been sitting at flickered to green, and Tooru rephrased his last sentence as he stepped lightly on the gas pedal. "I'm sorry, Amontillado. Akai has truly disappeared this time." Erru rolled her eyes at Amuro's words. "Haha, very funny. We're done faking his death, you know. Shuu-chan just came out of hiding." "And now he's missing. Phone disconnected, no trace of his leaving the country, no clue to where he's gone." Bourbon gave his former enemy an apologetic glance. She frowned back at him and grumbled, "Keep your eyes on the road." Staring out the window at the sunny morning that she now envied, she added, "He and Sera might as well be my siblings... I can't tell her about this, and we're going to find him, right?" "No." With a sigh, Bourbon pulled into a parking space in front of the Hastings Hotel, taking out the key and tossing it to Erru. "This goes in locker 110 inside. Get the room key for number 4869. Inside the room will be instructions on how you are to assume your new identity and what to do once you're ready, and a place to store your belongings. We will be entering the Crooked House separately, to detract attention from our work. I know you've just been cleared to begin service again, but if you aren't ready, you can step out." "What are you saying?!" Erru snapped, glaring at her superior. "We're just going to dismiss this, let Shuu disappear and carry on with this stupid mission!? Are you still upset about the freaking Akemi issue or what!? This is why I hated working for Gin!" "I am NOTHING like Gin!" "You're right! HE at least would have found out if Akai was alive!" She flung the car door open, shouting the last words as she stomped out and slammed it behind her. Without waiting for his reaction she stormed inside, not looking back. Left alone in the hollowness of his car and thoughts, Amuro sighed and watched her walk away, satisfied with her reaction. Flipping open his phone, he fired a text to Akai's new number. "I know you said you have to do this, but she is already upset. We're initiating our work tonight. I'll see you at the fall of the Crooked House, Rye." He deleted the text and number from his phone, already having memorized it, in case Erru or one of the House got ahold of his cell. Another sigh dying on his lips, he opened the driver's door and climbed out of his car, taking the key to his room and looking up at the hotel. On the fourth floor, one of the curtains was open and a figure was looking out. With a knowing smile he waved, chuckling as that curtain was violently shut. "Guess you don't forgive me yet, Amontillado..." Up in her hotel room, Erru glared at the drawn red curtains she stood before, arms crossed and frown plastered on. "How dare that stupid jerk act like it's unimportant! Shuu-chan's totally- maybe... not worth the lives we'll save... I'm sure he's safe..." Now annoyed at her own logic, she scowled at the bag of gear she'd been supplied with. A box of black hair dye, scissors, a few kinds of colored contacts, mask and makeup equipment, and instructions on how to tape down a chest for a disguise made up the kit. She threw out the contacts and makeup, which Bourbon should have known irritated her, and picked up the chest-binder. "I am NOT dressing as a guy! How cliche can you get?! If I did that, Bourbon'd have to cross-dress too!" Fuming, she studied herself in the mirror. Sure, her bright red hair was pretty flashy, but she wasn't about to cut off her signature spikes and pretend to be a teenage boy. "Not a chance," Erru grumbled, studying the instructions on the box of dye. An hour later, a teen boy named Fino left his key at the desk and headed out, dressed in a starched collared shirt and blue jeans. When asked twenty minutes later about the visitor, the receptionist remembered him as a warm, friendly boy with straight, jet black hair and glasses who was eager to hear about the city's attractions. But the most striking things about him were his voice, which was clean and almost feminine, and his light blue-grey eyes. She described his appearance to the person who'd been asking about the latest check-ins, an older man with long silver hair who said he was looking for his runaway daughter, Erru. The woman, Kategawa Yuriko, mentioned having seen the girl he described checking in to the same room that Fino had left. "You don't think they've eloped, do you?" she asked, concerned for the man and the teenagers alike. With a smirk he shook his head, his icy eyes fixed on the number of the room key that had been most recently returned. 4869? So obvious, Amontillado. He gave Yuriko a light smile, replying, "They're just very closely related." Across town, in a small apartment building next to a convenience store, a group of older teens and adults was gathered in the common room. Three beige leather couches and a green cloth love-seat sat around a large coffee table that housed an ash tray, several stacks of magazines, a backpack, a pair of pistols, and two boxes of latex gloves. "The Crooked House is about to welcome a pair of newcomers into our home." A tall boy who obviously thought he was in charge was glowering at a laid back older member, who was smoking and ignoring his superior's announcement. "This is a non-smoking suite, Futari!" "Chill out, Kusakabe. It ain't like the owner's comin' back, man." Futari, a brown-haired man in his early twenties, put out his cigarette with an annoyed frown and crossed his arms over his chest. "So who do we have comin' over today? A pair of newbie recruits, huh?" "Yes. One is a kid still in high school, interested in detective-type junk, who wants to see what our side of the law is like." Futari frowned and shook his head. "Sounds like he won't last long. He hasn't even dropped out, sounds too straight arrow." "I agree. He'll probably have to be dismissed once he gets his first taste of a heist or the assassination assignments." Kusakabe looked around at the others gathered around the couches and table, giving a grin. "The second applicant's a woman with a rap sheet. Says she came to Japan and gave the cops a run for their money in a feigned death back in Europe." A couple of the older House members looked interested. They'd pulled off some robberies, but nothing so big that they'd need to disappear like that. Chizuru, the leader of their east faction, smiled. "It's about time we had another woman join up. What's her name?" Kusakabe returned the smile, shrugging. "We don't discuss those details over the phone, Chizu. She goes by a pseudonym, though." His walkie-talkie crackled and a voice came over the station. "Sir, a Poire Williams is here to see you?" The member who'd been stationed at the front entrance had let in their new recruit. With a grin, Kusakabe held his walkie-talkie to his mouth, replying, "Show her in, Kazuya." Heeled footsteps echoed along the wooden floor as around the corner came Poire. A tall, thin woman who appeared to be around 30, she was tan, had bleach-blonde hair, and wore a little too much makeup. Either she was having a bad week in the fashion department, or her disguise skills were below par for the whole feigned death issue... Her blue eyes lit up as she shook hands with Kusakabe, who smiled and greeted her with a warm, "Welcome to Crooked House, Miss Williams." Her smile turned into a smirk as her phone vibrated in her pocket, announcing the arrival of the text she'd been anticipating all day. Excusing herself from the circle of criminals with a bright wave, she flipped open her phone to read the message. "See you there, Bourbon."
  3. Happy Birthday Par-chan~! x)

  4. Started trying to cover Again by Yui xP http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wv3JaPDRrDA

    1. Sakila


      And what a challenge that is! Good luck!! ^^

    2. Lupin of the Heisei Era

      Lupin of the Heisei Era

      Stereopony is also a good challenge :)

    3. Sakila


      I can't seem to get down Masumi Ito's Yokan either

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  5. Haruhi/Tamaki- Ouran Ichigo/Rukia, Gin/Matsumoto, Hitsugaya/Momo- Bleach Kisara/Ukita- Kenichi Taichi and Inaba- Kokoro Connect
  6. "I see..." Elizabeth cocked an eyebrow at Ari. "Are there any clues to be found there? I think everything useful will have been carted off. It's a bit late for questioning though, so I'm followin' you I guess." She started walking blankly, fiddling with her phone and cracking her fingers.
  7. Elizabeth shrugged. "If you want to try and find something, I suppose I'll tag along. But I'm really just looking to help in the group as a whole. I'm not good with people unless it's getting somebody to spill what they've done..." With a sigh she tugged her phone from her pocket, glancing at the lit up screen. A text? Caution: Act as if you are all familiar with Jennifer Starling. I gave out a friends account *insertname* and the police think it's hers. They also believe Jennifer was going to meet us today. PS: Detective Caleb seemed familiar to the name "IdentityUnknown" but doesn't know Jay. He thought IU was he. She smiled, deleting the text from her inbox so no one could see where she'd gotten the tip if it came out as a conspiracy, and kicked one back at A.B. "Thanks for the tip. We've got nothing so far, but we'll try something else before heading back to the hotel." Slipping the cell back into her pocket, she cracked her fingers and glanced at her partner. "So, where d'you want to look for clues, Ari~?"
  8. Superior firepower, and I'm not wanting for a brain, so xP What would you do if I threw a loaf of french bread at you?
  9. I can't choose between my favorites~ So xP there's no real order. Vash the Stampede- Trigun Kisara Nanjo, Apachai, and Akisame- History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi Rukia Kuchiki, Byakuya Kuchiki, Urahara Kisuke, Sado Yasutora, Noba, Gin Ichimaru, and Uryu Ishida- Bleach (Yes I like all of them xP) L Lawliet- Death Note Amuro Tooru, Sera Masumi, Subaru Okiya- Detective Conan Mikasa and Sasha- Attack on Titan Ryoga Hibiki and Akane Tendo- Ranma 1/2 Ludwig, Berwald, Toris, Kiku- Hetalia Jormungand- Zettai Bouei Leviathan Ryu Amakusa, Dan Morihiko, Kintarou Toyama, and Nanami Kotarou- Detective Academy Q Roronoa Zoro, Tashigi, and Nico Robin- One Piece Suguro (Bon), Amaimon, Mephisto Pheles, and Yukio Okumura- Blue Exorcist Ritsu Kasanoda- Ouran High School Host Club
  10. Hm... Mi-chan didn't kick Rose-chan... He gets a kiss I guess.
  11. Elizabeth sighed again. Ari'd been too quick to ask about the murders, and now their only informant was leaving... But now she knew by the woman's referring to her as 'Jenny' that she was familiar with the deceased girl. "Alright. If we could speak another time that's more convenient for you, that would help." She handed the woman another copy of her phone number, feeling that again she wouldn't receive a call. "My name's Elizabeth. I'm part of an unpaid detective group that's attempting to piece together these murders and garner justice for the deceased. I'm sorry if this was the first you heard of Jennifer's death. Please try to have a nice night, miss Tarrington."
  12. Elizabeth sighed. Leave it to Ari to jump right in... She gave Chrissy an apologetic smile. "We were just hoping to ask about a woman who's apparently become the latest victim. A Miss Jennifer Starling. According to our information she was an employee here..."
  13. Sing somethin' I like. What would you do if I came to your door in Bleach cosplay and asked to use your Senkaimon?
  14. Aaaaaaand, I have absolutely no sexuality whatsoever. I have too much apathy toward it, I guess. I have no attachment beyond friendship and family, no interest in sexual anything, and I'm not attracted to either gender... xD See dad, told ya I was never getting married and having kids~ I mean, I'd go out with someone if they wanted to, even though I ended my first 2 LTRs with apathy, but love and sexuality just aren't my thing. I hate being touched in any way, I'm fine with abstinence, and I still think kissing is a gross way to spread germs. I think I look at everything logically. xD Brain overrules heart and human need to reproduce is just not there. Anybody else 'feel' like this? xD
  15. Super Nintendo: Either Super Mario Brothers, Mortal Kombat, or Donkey Kong Country 3. Or Earthworm Jim. I don't remember xD
  16. Rukia Kurosaki


    Now I may have to go back on my statement... -- My sister's been watching TobyGames gameplay of Minecraft and wants the game. _ _
  17. Rukia Kurosaki

    Movie help

    The 'final' movie will come out the year the anime and manga end, most likely. There has only been one Black Org. related movie so far, and I don't think they intend to use the group often. If the org is in the last movie, it will have to be set before the final events of the series, or end up being an 'it was all a dream' cliche.
  18. We don't know any names or floors other than these two, and Gina looks like she's going to be the first one out the door at closing time. She gave Ari a glance and put a finger over her mouth. "Don't overdo it this time," she whispered. "I've got it covered." She nodded, moving to stand in front of the desk. Elizabeth gave Gina a professional smile, hoping there'd be a little information they could gain from the situation. She wasn't eager to put the case together herself, but since Ari had no other teammates, she might as well help him out. "Actually, I'm not sure what floor we're supposed to head to. We're here to see a Miss Tarrington."
  19. Elli shrugged. "Sure, I guess. Can ya drive?" She glanced at Holden again before turning toward the door and heading outside.
  20. Agh, so awesome~ ><
    1. PhiBrainChild


      I like the music.

    2. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      'Cause it's awesome xP

      It makes it a lot easier to write~

    3. Maltavite


      I like it, really...

  21. I prefer the japanese. The dub just doesn't have the same tone. Some anime I prefer the english, but DC is better in the original. Though their english speakers are terrible. In the 4th live action movie, Edward from the plane case actually spoke decent english, and I about had a heart attack xD
  22. It's been two years since I joined? This place is home now xD

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