Erru froze. They had killed one of the children, and taken two more away. "It's my fault for coming here and talking to you that this happened... Sorry guys, but I think I'm going to have to give up pretending to be one of them and go get those girls back. Stay quiet and on guard. If any one of you is a traitor, I want you to stand up now. Because if I find out later that one of you is responsible for the death of an innocent child and didn't come forward, I can't say I'll show any compassion." She knelt beside the motionless form of the small child, closing his eyes and wrapping her scarf around his throat to cover his wound. Tears were forming in her eyes, and she turned to hide them. She couldn't show weakness now... "To commit a crime is punishable, but to take a life... that's unforgivable!"
Erru turned, her eyes dark with anger. She looked at Phi. "Take care of them. You've got your wits about you in a time like this. If they come back, please..." Erru glanced at the body of the child. "Don't let them do something like this. I know it's wrong to ask you to risk your lives for perfect strangers who may not do the same for you, but if we can't trust and protect one another, we are truly alone in this." She went to the door and knocked three times. "Hey, Colt, I need a break to use the facilities." Colt laughed from behind the door. "You can't hold it long enough to see these brats through their stay?" He swung the door open. "Honestly, this is why women-" Erru punched him in the face and took his legs out from under him, pressing on his throat to knock him unconscious.
"You can tie him up if you want. I don't care anymore if he lives..." She took the gun and holster from his belt, attaching it to her own and standing. "Looks like this is going to be a high-profile operation." She grinned, jammed her hat down over her eyes, put on Colt's coat, and headed out the door, wrenching the camera down and stomping on it on the way out. She also locked the door using Colt's key, which she slid under the door. "Depending on who's got a key, it may take them a while to get in. If you can do something to reach the window, do it. If not, remember, you guys have nothing to do with me." She started down the hall, hand on her pistol...