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Rukia Kurosaki

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Everything posted by Rukia Kurosaki

  1. ... Useless. That's fine. :P

    At least I don't have to kill anything now.

  2. you should be in bed asleep, it's past midnight.

  3. ... =_= That t-rex is goin' down.... No one messes with Raptor-chan.

  4. He sends tidings of chocolate and candy canes xD

  5. Well, I still have the candy-cane raptor in my garage. He says hi~ ^^

  6. You know there's no way I'd do that... =_= We're way off topic anyway, so let's change the subject. i partly dunno what i like cuz i obviously haven't found it.
  7. ^^ Yup, the logic of insanity. And literalism xD

  8. The bottom of the heart is where the scraggly bits of unforgettable terror and confusion settle to... xD

  9. Jerk. You don't get to kill me.

  10. That- was-.....




    weird..... xD

  11. Yesh, I had a sword fight today with them. And I hurt myself xD not with the sword though.

    *spins you around until you're dizzy*




    See, vengeance is disorienting~! xD

  12. *pokes Cure and Yohan*


    Oh, sorry, had a little insanity stuck in my throat ^^"

    *trips and runs away*

    ... aaaand there goes my multiple personalities. Yeah, sanity evades me yet.......... oh yea! I actually came to say 'hi' ^^" Sorry xD

  13. *throws confetti* xDD sorry just kinda had to XP

  14. xDD Orly?

    *Whacks with a nerf sword* xP

  15. xDDD ouch, got yourself a stalker already? I ended the relationship cuz we never really saw each other or talked. It was as if we weren't going out anyway... we didn't talk almost at all between then and a few weeks ago, we were both dealing with school and not the relationship. And we recently began talking every day for 1 or 2 hours on the phone, which is when he started bringing it up that he was still interested, thought I hated him cuz he hadn't called in a while, was hoping I didn't... I'm super cynical... Pretty sure he's the only dude interested, he's got weird taste xD but I still don't feel compelled one way or another. Been tired of not having any real human relationships, but I still don't know what to say about this one. They say beggars can't be choosers, but I'm pretty picky, and no one I'd be interested in seeing would give the time of day except the one I feel awkward around and avoided closeness to for over a year. I dunno, but I don't think if I said yes I could dump him again he's too nice TT_TT So I'd either end up stuck with him no matter who else there is and how I feel, or be alone again this year cuz I can't take the initiative to talk to people... The more I think about it, the more I see him as a best friend so the more awkward it gets. He hugged me today lucky I didn't kill him.... =_=
  16. ......... :3

    ...... *poke*

  17. Dishes are the bane of all conversations... xD

  18. That sword fight could've ended worse xD He tripped and almost hit his head on a gardening pot, and I cut my knuckles.... I'm not sure on what, but it was when he fell.... I won xD

    1. Rukia Kurosaki
    2. Kaito Natake

      Kaito Natake

      Do your knuckles still hurt?...:V

    3. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      Only if I touch 'em. You'll be able to see tomorrow , they look kewl xD

    4. Show next comments  219 more
  19. xD Well, he's my best friend and ex, so it's weird.... and he used a certain word while talking *cough* love *cough* .... That I didn't respond to, along with compliments. He doesn't give up... He's awesome and all, but the opposite of what I like on looks and is younger than me... --" I dunno what I think of him, so I'm not answering at the moment. It's not like there's anybody else, but that isn't a reason to say 'yes' immediately. I haven't told my parents he asked yet..... and my mom teased me today about that he dumped the gf he had for a little while recently cuz of me.... awkward cuz it's kinda true, and I don't want to tell my parents until I really need their advice or make a decision. I want to stay friends regardless for a couple weeks just to get used to talking to and seeing him once in a while since we were separate for like 8 months........ We hung out today and he brought it up again. I dunno what to do. -__- Any ideas?
  20. Fine then... *saves Mark-san* Not changing my mind either.
  21. Haven't seen the newest one. Just watched Dark Knight again. Love that one~ <3 ^^ Suspennnnnnnnnnce~ xD It's just that awesome.
  22. *poeks* Why ish you not on? TT_TT

    I wanna talk to you.... -_-

  23. :3 *poke*

    In an awkward mood...... -_- ... ^^... @.@

    How are ya~?

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