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Detective Conan World

Rukia Kurosaki

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Everything posted by Rukia Kurosaki

  1. fine~

    *sends the candy-cane subdued raptor after you* ^^

  2. You're a fan of every guy in the show.... except maybe Hades and Dan-sensei~ =_=
  3. *pokes in the ribs* ;P

  4. She stalks me online more than irl~ xD

  5. She knows~ She just stalks me, you, and kaito kid~

  6. ^^ Dev says she's a stalker too~ xD

  7. xD those are the people who just come to read the chats and wiki and don't feel like being talked to~ aka, the secret-stalkers

  8. *pokes with both hands and one foot* ;p

  9. *pokes Dev and Edo-chan* -w- muahahahaha~

  10. if it's cake, it's good~ xD

  11. hm... what's your favortie kind of cake~?

  12. Don't double-post, short-stuff. Besides, I thought you were a kinta fan?!
  13. yep~

    ... can't wait for some cake~! \^^/

  14. multiple personality much? xP

  15. not yet.

    (sorry, late. my pc froze... -_-)

  16. ... I'm bored though. There's no impending apocalypse to survive or anything... xD

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