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Detective Conan World

Rukia Kurosaki

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Everything posted by Rukia Kurosaki

  1. :D What're you writing~?
  2. Time for dinner~! See you guys later~! ^^

    1. TheBlackTac


      Alright. ^-^ Enjoy your dinner with Dev-chan! :D

    2. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      *salutes* See ya, Edo-chan~

    3. Kaito Natake

      Kaito Natake

      We're done, but she is getting the cake.

  3. Yea, with the Dev~

    I only play recreationally, but it's a six-way tie between tennis, badminton, soccer, baseball, dodgeball, and bowling~

  4. I don't care for case closed as much because they change the meanings and names, even altering the entire plot of movie 2, for the sake of the dub. I've seen shows where they keep the japanese names, honorifics, and references~ But it introduced me to DC last year, so I still love it~ <3
  5. I can't go to my public tennis court, so I usually just play badminton in my yard~ xD

  6. xDD I meant without the visual there's no real tennis.

  7. Virtual tennis is less fun... -_-

    *volleys the ball back to the left corner*

  8. OKAY~~! Tennis is awesome~!

  9. Not a fan of any superhero except Batman and Robin~ :P And Megamind xD

  10. =_= *pokes Spiderman in the ribs*

    You get no candy cane, Arachnid-child~

  11. I believe he will tell her of his own accord at some point, when either he must to protect her, will return to normal, or needs her help~ It will definitely be close to or during the manga's finale~
  12. Awww~ <3 Come here, Raptor-chan ^^

    *feeds him candy-canes* :D

  13. ^^ ~ guess what? ...

    Candy cane attack~!! xD

    The war returns!! :D

  14. Hahaha. Luckily, I hadn't actually come up with anything that terrifying~ xDDD


  15. Hmm... how about... -- *shudders*

    never mind...

  16. Darn. There goes the idea of alzheimers... have you been feeling dehydrated? xDD

  17. no. i bought them in case your limbs became paralyzed, remember?

  18. Well, that's good...... wait, what am I gonna do with all these 'get well' cards?! .. -_- Dangit~ xD

  19. Just making sure you didn't become a quadriplegiac whilst you were gone~ ^^

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