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Detective Conan World

Rukia Kurosaki

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Everything posted by Rukia Kurosaki

  1. New OC for a fanfic I'm working on. Yuuna Kopori. Pencil, and then inked and colored with my crayolas xD
  2. o__o I was either trolled, or confessed to........

    1. Ren-kun


      Woah. Same. Erm... How'd it go?

    2. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      Oddly. o_o

      I'm still trying to figure out whether he was serious or it was my other friend getting revenge for his former trolls.

      And it was a friend of mine I haven't hung out with since Summer, not the guy I went out with last week...

  3. ... That makes sense. xP So is AL actually Al? I think I'd be Colonel Mustang in that case xD
  4. Dx Tricksy Boringses stole my precious... *pokes Ring-chan*
  5. *coerces the person above me into being my taste-tester* xP
  6. Love and friendship... Hm. Aster, let me borrow you so Sempai's study will work xP I need feelings.
  7. Hmm... All I can see is a genetic disposal to sempai-like actions and live gifs...
  8. Guren's Crystal Kekkei Genkai from the Three-Tailed Beast/Yukimaru arc. xP
  9. Dear anon. Full episodes take too long. More views and likes can be given if it's broken up anyway. Plus nobody wants 22 minutes of Weiss whining xP
  10. Garnet crossed her arms and looked over the hodge-podge group, trying to figure out if their force would be enough to defeat what Aster had called 'Laia.' Her yellow eyes were fixed first on Misaki, who was the only one she saw injuries on. There was nothing that would inhibit her in a fight though. "Alright..." She studied Aster, not trusting the weird glow in his eyes and his knowledge but hoping he'd be of help. Syra had walked over to two taller figures, Garnet guessed they were teachers and decided not to count them in the calculation of the group's abilities. Johannes had already wandered off, so he didn't count, and neither did that kid Syra had been with at the training hall. She hadn't seen Rouge either, so that left Devin, whom she stared down with a grimace. He wasn't looking straight at anyone, and his eyes were red at the corners. Garnet guessed he'd been crying. He didn't look physically disabled though, so she added his power to the calculations in her head, deciding that with everyone's help they could take it down. "Come on, let's take care o' that thing before it tries anythin' with the school! Then that jerk, Stein is goin' down." The orange-haired girl knelt down and wrapped a bit of tape around her broken toe, using a little to reattach the bandage she'd had on her leg and then taping her fingers for the fight. She dropped the roll into her bag, glad she carried mostly useful (non-school supply) items around. As they found a hall stairway that would lead to that part of the roof, Garnet dug her hand in the pocket of her pajama shorts, taking out half a candy bar. She held the chocolate out to Devin, asking, "You okay?" She didn't want to pry, but with the distaste and lack of empathy he'd shown it seemed that whatever would make him cry had to be bad. "Have some sugar, it helps." Junk foods were pretty comforting, at least in Garnet's experience. Considering his attitude, she expected some response like 'That filth won't pass my lips' or 'You've eaten half you barbarian' but figured it was worth a try to help him focus on the fight ahead. ((I don't think NPCs should be used in the boss fight~ Unfair advantage xP We've just got us five now, one for each element kinda, so let's combine our power and take this thing down.))
  11. Fascinating. *studying the endangered creature known as Sempai* xP
  12. Another new one, Ouran this time. Over 5000 words for chapter one, sorry xD https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9864810/1/Silent-Cries-Won-t-Echo
  13. I intend to have abs by the end of 2014. **
  14. 'murican xP Nah, I don't have a preference, though I've come to hate my country's slang. Bubble Wrap or a Slinky?
  15. "Basch!" Erru yelled, throwing Levar to the ground and shooting him in the neck. She ran to her fallen comrade. pulling a pair of semi-automatics from her coat to blast the gangsters who'd shot down her friend. She fired blindly into the enemies, managing to cap one in the head and two more in the thighs. The redhead dragged the unconscious Basch out of the line of fire and knelt beside her comrade, feeling at his bulletproof vest. Even with the shots deflected, he'd been hit on both legs and an arm and grazed on the temple. "Shit," she hissed, tearing off the shirt over her own kevlar vest to tie off a heavily bleeding bullet-wound on the man's left leg. "C'mon man, stay with me 'ere..." He looked relatively stable after a minute, and Erru dropped her head with a relieved sigh. "You're gonna be fine, Basch." he was loaded into a bulletproofed squad car along with injured hostages and other wounded agents, and the car pulled out, leaving the lot with just the able fighters left. "Alright, which of you bastards wanna die first?" Bourbon appeared from the newest arriving car, pulling a pistol. "Are you early, or was I late?" he asked. "It doesn't matter, bet I can get more of 'em than you." "You're on." The two joined Hidemi and Gin in the firefight against the remaining gangsters from all sides.
  16. Why yes I would be xP Sempai is... *thinking hard on this one* . . . A Champagne Ferret <3 ( the one on the left x) )
  17. "There's only one person in this world I would trust with my life... and it isn't you~" Captain Ash

    1. A L

      A L

      Jerkity jerk jerk. Being a jerk is jerky. Beef jerky. OwO

    2. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      And beef jerky is delicious... So how do we decide whether jerkiness is good or bad? :V

      Perhaps Sir FLuffles can help :V

    3. A L

      A L

      Sir Fluffles is as useful as the damn fox :V :P

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  18. Only by having weakness can we become stronger; and when we surpass our inhibitions and become our true, strongest selves, there is a power greater than any army on Earth.
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