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Detective Conan World


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About twilightmoon

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  1. twitter-things-you-dont-know-smartmoney: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance http://t.co/emF2M1S via @YahooFinance

  2. 10 States Where Rare and Exotic Diseases Lurk http://t.co/vSSzwGE

  3. Damn...now i gotta wait an entire week for a new ep of #BreakingBad =x

  4. weird dream...i dreamed i was pregnant =x

  5. Hey!! :D Sorry it's belated, but WELCOME TO DCW!! ...You don't have a name? :o Strange... I LOVE your profile picture. XD Lucky Star~~~!!

  6. ♪♫ Dixie Chicks - Not Ready To Make Nice http://t.co/VY1nVkr via @youtube

  7. ♪♫ Lost Angels /// @GACKT - love this song ♥♥

  8. finally saw Speed!! I knew about the bomb on the bus thing, but I never saw it completely. It was pretty good!

  9. found the pottermore clue but didn't find the magical quill. a few seconds later, registration was closed. =(

  10. omg there's a dorian gray movie?? must watch!

  11. You mean other than your eyes? ;)@KeeganAllen Where is the most beautiful place in the world?

  12. Poor Emily & Buried Alive is trending?? Lol!! only the liars~ #pll

  13. Check this video out -- Flower/Starburst Water Marble Nail Art Tutorial http://t.co/4YHEJcJ via @youtube

  14. End Times? Texas Lake Turns Blood-Red - Yahoo! News http://t.co/F7N8RPI via @YahooNews

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