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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Cindy-Chen

  1. Yup, it's REAL awesome, isn't it?

  2. O.o How did you get to see that?

  3. It is. I stayed up late last night, and woke up early in the morning. T_T

  4. Oh.....I was just using 'ne' as in 'hey' in Japanese.

    I'm not good. I slept late trying to finish homework, woke up early trying to finish. ;_;

  5. Yup. XP

    How are you?

  6. I'M TIRED!!! T_T


  7. Me too. :)

    But I had to sleep at 11 last night and wake up at 6 again to do my homework. :(

  8. O.o Nice.

    At least my grandparents have internet.

  9. That was from Sean.

  10. And again, don't think she's actually lesbian. Just some playful teasing because some people took a pony personality test, and got Rainbow Dash.

  11. Yeah. I gotta wait until I finish my homework. Then turn it in. Then die. XP


  13. From Sean: Explain all the lesbian ships that almost everyone seems to support. Somehow, all the ponies became bisexual. And again, I actually don't think she's lesbian. Just some playful teasing because some people took a pony personality test, and got Rainbow Dash."

  14. Don't worry. I'll die on my homework. XP

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