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Everything posted by Cindy-Chen

  1. What?!?! There's Doodle God 2?!

    *opens new tab*

    *searches for Doodle God 2 on Google*

  2. Um...math. I know, strange right?

    I'm taking Algebra in 7th grade. ^_^'

  3. Um...math. I know, strange right?

    I'm taking Algebra in 7th grade. ^_^'

  4. Thank you! But now I'm back. I forgot my dream. :P

  5. Thank you! But now I'm back. I forgot my dream. :P

  6. Nah, it's fine, you can ask me anything!

    Don't worry you're not crazy! :)

    Well, sorry, but I have to go to sleep. Ja!

  7. Nah, it's fine, you can ask me anything!

    Don't worry you're not crazy! :)

    Well, sorry, but I have to go to sleep. Ja!

  8. Sure! :)

    Or, if I'm not online, you can ask Aeyra. :)

  9. Sure! :)

    Or, if I'm not online, you can ask Aeyra. :)

  10. What do you think of it?

  11. Math. :embarassed:

    I'm taking Algebra in 7th grade.

  12. Math. :embarassed:

    I'm taking Algebra in 7th grade.

  13. Okay....have you played the Computer Game "Doodle God"?

  14. Actually, all you have to do to get in is to be GT in 1 subject, and enter a project/essay.

  15. Actually, all you have to do to get in is to be GT in 1 subject, and enter a project/essay.

  16. :) I started piano first, so I like piano better, but my friend who started violin first liked violin better. :)
  17. Nah, I suck at this. Actually, I'm sort of involved in a GT Academy, Gifted and Talented Academy, so I don't know if that explains anything....:)

  18. Nah, I suck at this. Actually, I'm sort of involved in a GT Academy, Gifted and Talented Academy, so I don't know if that explains anything....:)

  19. I don't know....it was supposed to be background knoledge...

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